Presenter Sarah Clodius shares how Past Life Hypno-Therapy can bring healing, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of your soul’s journey.
Read more →Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo? Ella LeBain Extra Terrestrial Experiencer l Researcher (40-years) l Author Our evening’s PRF presentation will cover information about worlds beyond our known universe. Over 100 million people have witnessed UFOs and have wondered: Who are they? What are their agendas? Why are they here now? These and many other questions come to mind when first realizing they exist. Gods and angels are also life forms that Earth Humans want to know more about as well as how they fit into the grander matrix. The information being presented at this event is for those
Read more →Join us Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 7:00pm Past Lives & Lives Between Lives ~ Presenter ~ Greg McHugh CCHt Author l Clinical Hypnotherapist l Clinical Psychotherapist The concept of “Past Lives” has moved from the “imagination” arena to a confirmed science many times over by multiple medical practitioners, scientists plus other highly respected professional authorities and multiple institutions in recent decades. When you consider your soul has likely had multiple life experiences it opens up so many questions. Not for the bragging rights but for answers to so many questions such as why do individuals have so many extreme (seemingly
Read more →…addressing the larger forces at work, shifting paradigms, ways of discerning the truth, practical solutions and adaptive strategies for transforming seeming obstacles into constructive opportunities
Read more →Our presenters Bo Hanson and Susan Russo are seasoned Dowsers and Board Members of the Mile High Dowsers group located in Lakewood. Join us and learn the methods and tips of Dowsing. Discover how the wording of your request can make a world of difference in the results
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