PRF Meeting Wednesday, March 19, 2025 – 6:00 pm – 8:15 pm | Past Life Regression “Hypno-Therapy” | Sarah Clodius

PRF Meeting Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm | Past Life Regression "Hypno-Therapy" | Sarah Clodius

Presenter Sarah Clodius shares how Past Life Hypno-Therapy can bring healing, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of your soul’s journey.

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PRF Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2024 | The Human Component of our Electric Universe | James Sorensen

PRF Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2024 | The Human Component of our Electric Universe | James Sorensen
PRF Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm The Human Component of Our Electric Universe James Sorensen Electrical Engineer l Computer Programmer Scientist l Researcher James is an Electrical Engineer and Computer Programmer has always been fascinated by science. He enjoys breaking down complex scientific theories and presenting them in a simple, easy-to-understand way. His goal is to make science engaging again. __________________________ Overview Everywhere scientists look, they observe evidence of electromagnetism. Large magnetic fields exist on both the Sun and Earth and are connected with 'magnetic ropes' connecting the two. Underground electric currents flow through theRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | Golden & Morrison’s ….Colorado Haunted History | Joel Chirhart

PRF Meeting Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | Golden & Morrison’s ….Colorado Haunted History | Joel Chirhart
PRF Meeting Wednesday, October 16, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Golden & Morrison's ...Colorado Haunted History Joel Chirhart Paranormal Researcher l Investigator Tour Guide l Historian It's the time of year when we give a little more thought to spiritual matters in a different light. We know so little about the worlds beyond our mainstream and religious teachings regarding how our time on earth truly works.  As in all matters, certain individuals excel in their ability to grasp this complex reality as it truly is.  How life and death for human existence on our planet really functions certainly falls into thatRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, September, 2024 | The Mayan Culture … A Deeper Understanding | Nataline Cruz

PRF Meeting Wednesday, September, 2024 | The Mayan Culture ... A Deeper Understanding | Nataline Cruz
PRF Meeting Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm "The Mayan Culture" a Deeper Understanding Nataline Cruz Shaman l Healer l Teacher Spiritual/Cultural Student l Clairsentient …and more Nataline Ruth Cruz has spent the last 30 years, traveling to many different parts of the planet learning from medicine people, spiritual teachers and tribal elders training in different modalities and receiving initiations to do the work she does today. She has been teaching for the past 15 years and will be sharing what she has discovered and learned over the past 3-decades of extensive global travel, research and personalRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, August 28, 2024 | The World of “Sacred Geometry” | Greg & Gail Hoag

PRF Meeting Wednesday, August 28, 2024 | The World of "Sacred Geometry" | Greg & Gail Hoag
PRF Meeting Wednesday, August 28, 2024 Note: Due to facility cleaning this month only will be 4th Wednesday 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm The World of "Sacred Geometry" Greg & Gail Hoag Bestselling Authors l Inventors l Healers Accomplished Artists l Spiritual Advisors Researchers of Sacred Geometry and Consciousness What knowledge and wisdom did the Druids, Mayans and Ancient Egyptians have that we fail to take into account in our daily lives that could change everything both personally and collectively?  These powerful ancient cultures reflect independent and highly advanced cultural knowledge of astronomic and geometric structures from different locations on planet Earth thousands ofRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, July 17, 2024 | A Grander Consideration for Our Perception of Reality | Tom Curren

PRF Meeting Wednesday, July 17, 2024 | A Grander Consideration for Our Perception of Reality | Tom Curren
PRF Meeting Wednesday, July 17, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm A Grander Consideration for Our Perception of Reality Diana Sproul UFO/Extraterrestrial and Other Lifeform Researcher Educator I Successful Businessman The What’s Up With UFOs? website is a public service educational initiative and a non-profit research project co-founded by Tom Curren and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens.  This presentation offers a comprehensive introduction to the UFO/Extraterrestrial and other beings as we explore and consider the phenomena in an expanded reality.  Below is a chart identifying the Extraterrestrial Races and list of other entities identified in Tom’s work which is one of the manyRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, June 19, 2024 |”Returning to Basic Common Sense” | Diana Sproul

PRF Meeting Wednesday, June 19, 2024 |"Returning to Basic Common Sense" | Diana Sproul
PRF Meeting Wednesday, June 19, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Returning to Basic Common Sense "…when the world seems to be aggressively  pushing us into a more complicated experience"   Diana Sproul Herbalist l Nutritionist l Holistic Health Solutions Practical Alternative Health Educator Diana Sproul has been one of our more impressive presenters over the past 20 years of our more than 200 PRF monthly meetings and other sponsored events. Her depth of knowledge seems endless on so many different health and healing topics. Based on a number of requests she is being asked to present once again at the Forum.Read more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | Comprehending Reality | Phil Gruber

PRF Meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | Comprehending Reality | Phil Gruber
PRF Meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Comprehending Reality "A deeper, more complete picture of our world from a grander perspective"   Phil Gruber Author l United Nations Presenter l Educator l International Speaker Phil Gruber is featured in the critically-acclaimed films "The Indigo Evolution" and "Metaphysia 2012".  He has spoken at the United Nations and his first book, "The Kabbalah Code", a collaboration with James F. Twyman, has been published by Hay House.  Phil is a highly respected speaker on the international scene and is acknowledged worldwide as one of the foremost teachers of SacredRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | Unlocking Your Higher Awareness | Shifu Douglas Sutton

PRF Meeting Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | Unlocking Your Higher Awareness | Shifu Douglas Sutton
PRF Meeting Wednesday, April 17, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Unlocking Your Higher Awareness Incorporating the "Paranormal" represents  a more complete view of reality   Shify, Douglas Sutton Buddhist Master Teacher l Healer l Educator Spiritually awakened people can remember their past lives, develop “clairs“ (shown below), see the past and future, become telepathic, and unlock many more human spiritual abilities that had been veiled since their birth and through cultural conditioning about what is real and what isn’t. Shifu Douglas (Master Teacher) will talk about paranormal subjects mentioned in the ancient Buddhist sutras and also address the question:Read more

PRF Meeting Wednesday, March 20, 2024 | Human History on Panet Earth is Rapidly Unfolding Creating…A Different View | Suzanne Price

PRF Meeting Wednesday, March 20, 2024 | Human History on Panet Earth is Rapidly Unfolding Creating…A Different View | Suzanne Price
PRF Meeting Wednesday, March 20, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Human History on Planet Earth is Rapidly Unfolding Creating .... A DIFFERENT VIEW: Suzanne Price Quantum Scientific Researcher l Cultural Anthropologist l Lecturer/Presenter The phrase “we live in interesting times” is certainly an understatement at this point in our human history.  Ever-increasing changes and technological advancements made in the past 150 years in the United States alone is difficult to comprehend.  There are hundreds of architectural ruins, hieroglyphs, and ancient artifacts that paint a dramatically different history of our planet than what we’ve historically been given by our mainstreamRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday February 21, 2024 | Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Our next GIANT LEAP in the human experience on planet Earth | Darrell Laham, Ph.D.

PRF Meeting Wednesday February 21, 2024 | Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Our next GIANT LEAP in the human experience on planet Earth | Darrell Laham, Ph.D.
PRF Meeting Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Artificial Intelligence (AI): "Our Next GIANT LEAP in the human experience on planet Earth ... and what that impack will look like?" Darrell Laham, PhD Scientist l Technologist l Researcher l Entrepreneur l Musician We cannot grasp the dramatic comprehensive changes we are about to experience as humans on earth as “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) is introduced into our mainstream reality. Join us to glimpse into our immediate future and prepare yourself for our next dramatic leap of mainstream humanity. Consider how our lives have changed in the US since theRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday January 17, 2024 | Hidden Worlds: “Discover that Everything is Connected” | Phil Catalano

PRF Meeting Wednesday January 17, 2024 | Hidden Worlds:   "Discover that  Everything is Connected" | Phil Catalano
PRF Meeting Wednesday, January 17, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Hidden Worlds: "Discover that Everything is Connected" Guest: Phil Catalano Practicing Wizard l Alchemist l Healer Educator l Aeronautical Engineer l Scientist After conducting more than 200 Paranormal Research Forum (PRF) monthly gatherings over approximately two decades certain individuals have risen to the top of audience appreciation list based on the credibility and sheer volume of information shared.  This year’s first presenter is clearly one of those few.  Even if you’ve heard him before you will always discover so much new information as well as reminders of some valuableRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday October 18, 2023 | “A Brief Introduction to Inter-dimensional Physics” | Jack Stucki

PRF Meeting Wednesday October 18, 2023 | “A Brief Introduction to Inter-dimensional Physics” | Jack Stucki
PRF Meeting Wednesday, October 18, 2023 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm The Science and the Responsibility of Thought Forms: A Brief Introduction to Inter-dimensional Physics Guest: Jack Stucki Healer l Scientist l Researcher l Inventor l Educator Jack's talk will include: How the Luminator device he has developed is able to capture photographs from other realms including photographs of Reptilian and Zeta Reticulin (Gray) extraterrestrials.  How thought forms are generated and our responsibility with what we are creating.  Also how thought forms affect the planet, humanity, animals and plants.  Attendees will receive a gong experience. The gong is made out ofRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday September 20, 2023 | “Telepathic & Clairvoyant Research” | Sean McNamara

PRF Meeting Wednesday September 20, 2023 | “Telepathic &  Clairvoyant Research” | Sean McNamara
PRF Meeting Wednesday, September 20, 2023 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Telepathic & Clairvoyant Research Discovering our amazing Human potential from a scientific approach ... Guest: Sean McNamara Therapist l Author l Researcher l Educator This month’s PRF presentation represents a scientific analysis of our human potential (a thought-provoking consideration to bridge the gap in our next step of human evolution). This work helps bring the worlds of science and spirituality together. We are in the process of bringing ancient cultural wisdom together with advanced discoveries in the scientific communities to develop a more comprehensive and higher level of understanding.  Viewing thisRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday August 16, 2023 | “LIFE CHANGES …from Extraterrestrial Contact” | Cynthia Marsh

PRF Meeting Wednesday August 16, 2023 | “LIFE CHANGES …from Extraterrestrial Contact” | Cynthia Marsh
PRF Meeting - Wednesday, August 16, 2023 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm Life Changes ...from Extraterrestrial Contact Guest: Cynthia Marsh Extraterrestrial Contactee l Forensic Artist Sacred Geometry Artist l Educator The impact of a UFO encounter at the age of 15 changed the life of artist Cynthia Marsh.  Various gifts and downloads were imparted that shifted her onto the spiritual path with a strong sense of purpose and desire to serve. Some of those gifts were powerful downloads of mysterious symbols and Sacred Geometry forms. Those dreams are the source of her Sacred Geometry paintings featured in this presentation. AttendeesRead more

PRF Meeting Wednesday July 19, 2023 | Discover and Connect with Your Own Personal Spirit Guides | Gabriel Sereni

PRF Meeting Wednesday July 19, 2023 | Discover and Connect with Your Own Personal Spirit Guides | Gabriel Sereni
Save the Date! PRF Meeting - Wednesday, July 19, 2023 Spirit Guides  Discover, and connect with,  your own personal Spirit Guides Guest: Gabriel Sereni Medium | Healer | Teacher | Life Coach     Throughout human history, people from all over the world have reported interactions with invisible helpers - helping spirits that seem to inspire, guide, heal and involve themselves to elevate people and humanity, as catalysts of both personal and spiritual transformation. These more evolved beings have been known by many names over the centuries in various cultures including spirit guides, helping spirits, higher beings, spiritual entities, guardianRead more

PRF Meeting Wed. May 17, 2023 | “Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo? ” | Presenter ~ Ella LeBain

PRF Meeting Wed. May 17, 2023 | "Who's Who in the Cosmic Zoo? " | Presenter ~ Ella LeBain

Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo? Ella LeBain Extra Terrestrial Experiencer l Researcher (40-years) l Author Our evening’s PRF presentation will cover information about worlds beyond our known universe.  Over 100 million people have witnessed UFOs and have wondered: Who are they? What are their agendas? Why are they here now? These and many other questions come to mind when first realizing they exist.  Gods and angels are also life forms that Earth Humans want to know more about as well as how they fit into the grander matrix.   The information being presented at this event is for those

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PRF April 19, 2023 – Past Lives & Lives Between Lives | Greg McHugh

PRF April 19, 2023 - Past Lives  & Lives Between Lives | Greg McHugh

Join us Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 7:00pm Past Lives  & Lives Between Lives ~ Presenter ~ Greg McHugh CCHt Author l Clinical Hypnotherapist l Clinical Psychotherapist The concept of “Past Lives” has moved from the “imagination” arena to a confirmed science many times over by multiple medical practitioners, scientists plus other highly respected professional authorities and multiple institutions in recent decades.  When you consider your soul has likely had multiple life experiences it opens up so many questions.  Not for the bragging rights but for answers to so many questions such as why do individuals have so many extreme (seemingly

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PRF Wed. Nov. 16, 2022… Nothing is as it Seems: Adapting to Coming World Changes- Paul Sperry.

PRF Wed. Nov. 16, 2022... Nothing is as it Seems: Adapting to Coming World Changes- Paul Sperry.

…addressing the larger forces at work, shifting paradigms, ways of discerning the truth, practical solutions and adaptive strategies for transforming seeming obstacles into constructive opportunities

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PRF Next Wed. Oct. 19, 2022…The “Ancient Art of Dowsing”.

PRF Next Wed. Oct. 19, 2022...The "Ancient Art of Dowsing".

Our presenters Bo Hanson and Susan Russo are seasoned Dowsers and Board Members of the Mile High Dowsers group located in Lakewood. Join us and learn the methods and tips of Dowsing. Discover how the wording of your request can make a world of difference in the results

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