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Save the Date!
PRF Meeting – Wednesday,
July 19, 2023

Spirit Guides 
Discover, and connect with, 
your own personal Spirit Guides

Guest: Gabriel Sereni
Medium | Healer | Teacher | Life Coach


Gabriel Sereni


Throughout human history, people from all over the world have reported interactions with invisible helpers – helping spirits that seem to inspire, guide, heal and involve themselves to elevate people and humanity, as catalysts of both personal and spiritual transformation. These more evolved beings have been known by many names over the centuries in various cultures including spirit guides, helping spirits, higher beings, spiritual entities, guardian angels, divine messengers and mentors, ancestral guides, ascended masters, intuitive allies and much more. Everybody can learn how to access these beings, and it makes sense to take advantage of the opportunity given the wisdom and guidance they can provide.

Though we may have had contact with spirit guides, many of us who have are often unaware about it and without full lucidity of the interaction. However, what if you could become aware of their presence, communicate with them? What if you could learn to work with them more often and more directly? What if contact with them could transform your life and accelerate your healing? You will soon discover working with these greater connections can be extremely helpful in formulating plans, making better decisions, and much more. As you work with them over time, they will grow stronger and clearer.

In this talk Gabriel will discuss their history in human cultures, who they are, the different types, how they operate, spirit guides and ethics, how to discover and perceive them, how to communicate with your own guides, and how to work with them. We will cover techniques and exercises to perceive and communicate with them, and will do a few together in the latter half of the talk to do so.

His presentation will include:

  • Who are spirit guides and “helping spirits”
  • History of term or concept in various cultures
  • Accounts in history of spirit guides
  • Different theories/perspectives on guides and other inter dimensional beings
  • What the experience of connecting with spirit guides is like for people phenomenologically.
  • How guides participate and interact with you in life
  • Ethics and spirit guides
  • Mistaken notions around guides or theoretical pitfalls – considerations to sharpen our thinking
  • How to discover and perceive them and how that works
  • How you communicate with them
  • How to work with them more closely
  • Exercises and techniques to discover and perceive them
  • 2- exercises done in talk with participants to raise our frequency, detect or sense guides, communicate with them.

Join us Wednesday July 19th and begin developing a stronger and clearer relationship with your personal guides and teachers for creating a more impressive future. Make an effort to expand your relationships with more evolved beings in other worlds…You’ll likely be quite pleased you did!

Rick Nelson, 303 919-6532 – Cell

About Gabriel Sereni

Gabriel Sereni gives mediumship readings, conducts healings, coaches people, and runs workshops on numerous topics where he combines his varied knowledge and capabilities. He has studied mediumship in depth for several years and is now a certified professional psychic medium. He has also done rigorous training as a life coach and business coach, and holds several certifications as such. The last part of his formal training has involved energy-based meditation practices and energy healing, as well as lucid dreaming/astral projection, all of which he studied and taught for over 15 years. Over the past two decades he has taught or trained over 2,000 people from all walks of life in courses and workshops worldwide.

His approach to personal and spiritual growth draws on his over two decades of experience with meditation and numerous practices. It also draws on his own research spanning thousands of books, articles and other content that he has consumed in his quest to learn as much as possible. His mission is to help support people in their transformation and healing process, and in their journey to awakening – becoming whole, yet aware of their spiritual and “interdimensional” nature.

He takes a comprehensive and universal approach without dogma that is anthropological in nature, and is both rooted in science and personal experience as much as possible. He believes that we must ultimately rise above any single viewpoint, philosophy or belief system to really understand a topic, and open all possibilities for our journey in becoming whole, without limits placed on us by society, belief systems, teachers, dogmas, and anything that holds us back from our unique self-realization.For more

Information, please visit Gabriel’s website at:

“Please bring a friend and join other curious souls this Wednesday for yet another fascinating evening of exploration and discovery. Advance your soul’s evolution during this accelerated cycle of our human experience on this planet.”

Ancient_Eye,_PRF,, Paranormal Research Forum, Colorado, Rick Nelson

~ conducting monthly presentations since 2004 ~

Forum Time & Cost

7:00- 9:15 PM $7 at Door, Open to the Public, no reservation needed.

Wheat Ridge Recreation Center 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO
(Just 2-min. south of I-70 on Kipling St. west side)

~ MAP ~

~ Founder ~

Rick Nelson

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