Science Opening the Doors to Invisible Worlds

“Exploring the existence of multiple dimensions, vortexes, portals & sacred sites

 from an analytical approach”

 Dr. Claude V. Sewanson

Dr. Claude V. Swanson

Physicist l Author l Lecturer l Paranormal Investigator & Researcher

Dr. Claude Swanson is an MIT and Princeton educated physicist.  In his books The Synchronized Universe, New Science of the Paranormal and Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness he has put together the world’s “best collective evidence” showing that our present scientific paradigm is broken.  His recent epic work in Life Force is fast being considered the world’s Bible of Scientific Paranormal Research.

His recent epic work in Life Force is fast being considered the world’s Bible of Scientific Paranormal Research

In Dr. Swanson’s books he describes scientifically controlled remote viewing and ESP experiments, demonstrations of long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind over matter), scientifically controlled experiments in levitation, teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE).  In addition he discusses research in energy healing, showing how results are achieved over great distances, and can even project forward and backward in time.  He describes experiments in which this energy alters radioactive decay, bends laser beams, and alters material properties. It even changes mass, weight and density of materials, effects which are supposed to be “impossible” according to Western science.

Millions have seen, watched and listened to Dr. Swanson in recent years featured as an authority on multiple paranormal and supernatural topics.  Cable network television programs such as the History Chanel’s Ancient Aliens and The Pyramid Code, Discovery Channel, National Geographic and others plus nationally syndicated radio programs such as Coast to Coast AM with George Noory continually seek out Dr. Swanson because he has set the bar high for research in these fields.  He is frequently featured as a key presenter at some of the world’s largest and most respected conferences as an authority on subtle energies and serious paranormal investigation and research.

Vortex, Portal, dimensionAs part of his PRF presentation Dr. Swanson will help fill the gaps between science and what we refer to as paranormal or supernatural matters.  Most people have great difficulty with these esoteric topics because the mainstream scientific institutions typically dismiss that which doesn’t fit the conventional interpretations of contemporary scientific beliefs.  The outcomes of these scientifically documented experiments and Dr. Swanson’s own work offer the hard proof serious researchers and scientists look for to likely unlock the world’s most fascinating secrets and discoveries of how the universe truly works and the potential it represents.

His extensive detailed work is far too comprehensive to be able to address in any outline or single conference.  The evening will certainly prove to be enlightening on the practical comprehension of the magical and mystical worlds of multiple dimensions, vortexes, portals and sacred sites.  Elevating one’s self to perceiving this reality in a practical and logical manner opens one’s mind and spirit to a new life in a new awareness crystalizing what your intuition already knows.

“Please join us for another fascinating evening of personal growth and discovery”


1 Comment
  1. always engates to other worlds known about that since I was a child, communication , with past, future and joy. What my friend Dr. Claude Sanson posts and talks about, thanks, teleportation, soul travel, remote viewing, thin line between body and spiirt world, there are rooms in some homes that open doors to the invisible worlds.

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