Take a journey into the realities and new understandings of our human existence and how it functions from a grander perspective.
Read more →Note: “Tis the season“…It’s that time of year we turn our thoughts to the spirit world…and so we are! Happy Halloween my friends! ~ This month’s meeting ~ This Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 7:00-9:00pm (Details & location at bottom of page) ~ Topic ~ “INVESTIGATING THE SPIRIT WORLD“ ~ Presenter ~ LeeAnna Jonas Paranormal Researcher I Investigative Team Founder I Lead Investigator YouTube Video Producer ___________________________ “All Hallows Eve, or Halloween celebrations around the world, in one manner or another have been based on man’s recorded experiences and interactions with otherworldly beings throughout history in nearly every culture. With the recent advancements in
Read more →Opening after months of Corona Virus government lockdown. Our first presentation will be a very powerful one so join us! Reconnect with friends you haven’t seen this year.
Read more →Charis will cover her interesting discoveries, experiences and connections she’s found between these esoteric subjects which should be quite an educational experience as well as entertaining. Her humility and genuine nature makes it easy to accept her ability to tap into these other-worldly arenas.
Read more →For hundreds, if not, thousands of years it has been said there is no scientific proof of spiritual, supernatural and paranormal matters. Dr. Swanson’s work clearly proves that the old adage is just NOT TRUE. This grand assemblage of other’s scientific work is exactly what most people have been looking for…THE EVIDENCE!
Read more →Ralph Ring, while working with Otis T. Carr (a protégé of Nikola Tesla) helped design, build & operate an anti-gravity saucer shaped disc in the late 1950s. Ralph & his associates have now replicated this work and are refining the human consciousness navigation system. An update report & discussion on the conscious navigation will be covered.
Read more →This presentation is intended to provide new insights, perception considerations helping make your decisions and choices in life clearer, easier and healthier as we move forward into more unpredictable times.
Read more →The information will cover material and facts clarifying many inaccurate mainstream opinions and vague beliefs most people have about crystals. Most importantly this information identifies the practical applications and benefits of the subtle energies these stones and crystals emit/transfer for healing, intuitive communication and more.
Read more →Her powerful book covers a plethora of facts about the bee’s relationships with earth’s electromagnetic energy fields, mathematics, sacred geometric patterns.
Read more →Hale realized how much of what he thought he knew was wrong, how much he didn’t know and through the door that opened peered into a more expansive view of the universe.
Read more →The sheer volume and diversity of this research and these experiences has provided a rare view of realities that exist just outside the grasp of humans and conventional scientific understanding
Read more →Each of these dimensions, realms, worlds and realities exhibit their own individually unique scientific foundation, different than our own, making it very difficult to comprehend and explain through contemporary beliefs.
Read more →We will examine dreams from perspectives of science, psychology, evolution, benefits, healing, problem solving, precognition, spirit communication, personal potential and other insightful aspects.
Read more →“Scientific research has made a shocking discovery that the heart’s energy systems including electromagnetic and other communication energy impulses dwarf those in the brain”
Read more →Regardless of your interest or curiosity in any of these esoteric topics, it is expected that you will gain a deeper awareness of the concepts and dynamics surrounding them, by the end of the presentation.
Read more →This work is one of a handful that is shaping a new world awareness bridging the perception gaps between science, ancient history technology, nature, spiritual beliefs and the cosmos identifying mankind’s role in all.
Read more →Polaroid photographs taken of beings from other realms, dimensions or worlds will be included in the presentation.
Read more →Mark will be giving a layman’s perspective of this new world of viewing energy for healing and power sources anticipating you will be able to leave the presentation with a more comprehensive and detailed picture allowing you to make more intelligent and informed decisions in your personal life regarding this new era we’re entering.
Read more →“CONVERTING YOUR PERSONAL CHAOS TO FLOW” …Through the Most Revered knowledge of the Ancients Aurelia Taylor Extensive Healing Skills & Achievements Listed Below Yogi’s, Shaman, Medicine men and other healing spiritual masters in all cultures have discovered simple but powerful processes that reset the natural order balancing physical, mental and emotional states which they have passed on for millennia within their respective cultures. Although uncomplicated, the consistent results of these processes have insured these techniques withstood the test of time remaining a cornerstone of physical healing and spiritual understanding in cultures worldwide As our society and institutions progressively demand more of our
Read more →Throughout the history of man’s existence on earth there have been those inner circles in all cultures that were revered for their awareness of matters beyond other worlds, beyond known science.
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