August 19, 20& 21, 2016


We hope you will join us for our 28th Annual outing to

Colorado’s Mysterious San Luis Valley…

Sand Dunes

Join us for a memorable weekend with friends, new information and hopefully UFO sightings!

If you haven’t registered DONT WORY, just come on down and join us!

POSTED: December 7, 2015

We look forward to seeing everyone that has contacted Rick through e-mail, phone or this sign-up

This will make our 28th year for the event.  It’s popularity due to the ever increasing UFO/ET activity around the world has kept this outing alive.  The extremely high UFO  (and other paranormal phenomena) activity in this San Luis Valley, also known as The Mysterious Valley as a result of the book of the same name.  The book is the first in a series of books by Christopher O’Brien covering a large number of the thousands of supernatural events reported in the valley and related books that followed.

Aside from being a fantastic outdoor end-of-summer get away this trip proves to be educational, thought provoking and memorable while meeting new friends and getting caught-up with old ones.  Over the years hundreds have seen their first UFOs at these outings.  It’s one of those “moments” in life that you, your family and friends will always remember with smiles, stories great memories and laughter for the rest of your lives.  So…break free from your mindless demanding routine drudgery and give yourself a genuine break before that long slow winter hibernation process begins to set in.

This year let’s start a new tradition by making sure you introduce yourself to everyone you see and let them know where you came from.  It’s valuable to connect with those that have common interests especially in such esoteric topics that might expose you may have more in common than you realize.  Make sure you say hello to Rick Nelson because he (I mean I : )) really likes getting to know all of you better and what brought you to the event.  Please pick a time when I’m taking a break so I can give you my undivided attention.

We will have a presenter for Saturday morning who is yet to be  identified but will be posted on this page when available.  Friday night at dusk around the campfire Rick Nelson will welcome everyone and share some very interesting information about the “Mysterious Valley” which continually lives up to its name.  For whatever unknown reason the San Luis Valley has been a host to a exceptionally wide range of supernatural and paranormal activity.


Traveling north on the road to the Oasis Campground and the Great Sand Dunes National Monument

Book your own reservation for lodge and cabins and if you have any additional questions, please contact Rick Nelson: ~or 303 919-6532.

TO ARRANGE YOUR CABIN OR LODGE ACCOMMODATIONS CALL RESPECTIVE NUBERS BELOW: Upon arrival CAMPERS need to check in at camp store to register for camping and cabins and get campsite map.  Those requiring RV facility hook-ups need to call the Camping number below to make reservations. Event Cost FREE…for the benefit of all curious souls looking to understand more about our bigger neighborhood.

Camping 719-378-2222, $4 per night per person includes showers & restrooms. Please mention you’re with the Paranormal Research Forum (or UFO Group with Rick Nelson) when checking in because this is our GROUP RATE. We will be located at Group Campsite #1.  After registering here you only need to check in at the Oasis Campground Store and pay there.  Those requiring RV facility hook-ups need to call this number.

Cabins 719-378-2222, very basic- bring your own sheets (limited number of cabins). Lodge 719 378-2900, First come first serve. Limited number of rooms.  Please call for availability and prices.

*Important- Pease submit the names of those in your party (below), whether you’re tent camping, in motor home, lodge or cabins and a key contact person & phone.  Kids and pets are NOT encouraged on this trip, but not specifically prohibited (please speak with Rick beforehand). We want to create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone without disruption or distraction for an adult crowd. Its important we be considerate and respectful of everyone’s experience.

~ Weekend Schedule ~


Dusk…8:30PM? Gather around the campfire at the Group Campsite and get to know each other. Check bulletin board in front of Camp store for group campsite location.  We are in “GROUP CAMPSITE #1”


10:30AM-12:30ish PM Gathering at the Group Campsite Campfire location for UFO presentation.


Currently being scheduled…check back later for details

Last Years Presentation (2015)

Don_Daniels,_Paranormal_Research_Forum, UFO Camp Trip 2015

Our 10:30AM Saturday morning presenter will be DON DANIELS, a commercial airline pilot with a major international airline. He has not only researched and investigated UFO/Extraterrestrial matters, but also taken it to the next level, successfully seeking out and initiating personal sightings and contact events. Along this path, Don has developed a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and what is behind it.

Humanity is currently undergoing a leap in human evolution and transformation which has us on track for an awakening to the larger reality of our place in the universe and an introduction to our Star Cousins from around the Galaxy. Don will explain the spiritual and philosophical path that led to his own personal contact experiences. Don is the author of Evolution Through Contact-Becoming a Cosmic Citizen, a book which discusses our path toward Cosmic Personhood, and his path towards Galactic Diplomacy

Don also hosts a radio program called Becoming a Cosmic Citizen at the GalacticU Radio Network which is broadcast over the Internet on Monday evenings and is also available as a podcast.

Don assisted with Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project presentation held at the National Press Club in Washington DC May 9th, 2001. This historic event represented the largest gathering of credible high ranking individuals ever assembled to disclose their awareness and personal involvement on these government projects. Don also conducts summer evening outings near Evergreen, CO. He is well versed in the CE-5 protocols used by Dr. Greer to initiate contact and interact with extraterrestrial craft and their occupants, and combines these with Native American and other protocols for his own unique connection.

Throughout his life Don has had an interest in the UFO/Extraterrestrial phenomenon that has developed into a passion for ExoPolitics and Citizen Galactic Diplomacy in the past couple of decades. Don will share key points in his discovery process that can benefit you on your own path of discovery and growth. Don will be available for the balance of the trip for conversations with those interested.


  Sierra_Neblina,_Paranormal_Research+Forum,_UFO_Camp Trip_2015Also presenting with Don is SIERRA NEBLINA who has had unexplainable experiences throughout her life which she later discovered was typically extraterrestrial related. Her experiences while serving in the military included involvement with government/ extraterrestrial programs. She now has chosen to live in this Mysterious San Luis Valley of South Central Colorado and has created, and co-hosts, the Internet Radio Show GalacticU Radio which broadcasts multiple times weekly. She interviews some of the world’s most well-known UFO/Extraterrestrial researchers and experiencers.

Her work focuses on helping humanity effectively and comfortably migrate through this epic human introduction into the greater galactic neighborhood. Shortly after this weekend outing Sierra will be making her second journey to the ancient pyramids of Egypt to further develop her awareness of the ancient human connections with these beings and ancient understandings beyond our current mainstream teachings.



lisa_romanek,_Paranormal_Research_Forum, UFO_Camp_Trip_2015 Stan_Romanek,_Paranormal_Research_Forum-UFO-Camp-Trip-2015STAN & LISA ROMANEK will also be joining us this weekend to relax and get to know more people interested in the complex topic of Extraterrestrial experiences. Their massive numbers of unexplainable experiences are so diverse and sometimes seemingly unrelated except their many UFO/ET encounters appear to be at the core of their supernatural story.

 Feel free to introduce yourself and get to know more about their ongoing bizarre experiences. After all, this is a casual social/educational outing to bring everyone together so we can share and discover what an amazing universe we live in.

Dusk- midnight & later Sky-watch at the Oasis Campsite! Bring your chairs, binoculars and warm clothing for a social gathering to watch the skies over the San Luis Valley for the frequent activity in the area. A great time to visit while enjoying a night under the Colorado night sky. Don’t forget water and any snacks (but remember to pick up your plastic bottles and trash). The sky-watch is NOT intended as a party so please be respectful of others with your noise level at this event.


Anytime– Have breakfast at Oasis Restaurant to get to know each other better and compare notes about skywatch observations with new friends and see if anyone wants to coordinate schedules to trek to the Sand Dunes, Zapata Falls, Alligator Farm Hot Springs or other fun activities in the areas.

AT YOUR OWN PACE UFO Watchtower– You don’t want to miss stopping here at this one-of-a-kind places in the world and visiting Judy Mesoline seeing what little souvineers or gifts you might find. You can also get an update on some of the most recent UFO activity and some of the most dramatic UFO events noted in the immediate area.  It’s important to support the Watchtower’s work so make sure you do your part and buy at least a couple of items to give your friends at home a smile. The Watchtower is located on the west side of Highway 17 just north of the Great Sand Dunes turnoff.  Tell Judy & Stan Rick says Hi! : )

UFO Watchtower, Extraterrestrial, PRF, Paranorman Research Forum, Rick Nelson

Zapata Falls– A memorable experience to a sacred Native American ritual site (waterfall at the end of a really high walled stone grotto).  It’s a 20-min. drive south from the campsite and a 15-min. light-medium hike to the grotto. To walk back to the falls you’ll need some water shoes (old tennis shoes work great…don’t forget ‘em).

Alligator Farm– Really unique place and well worth the visit. Located about 30-min. from the campsite.

Great Sand Dunes National Monument– About 5-min. north of the campground.

EQUIPMENT SUGGESTIONS– The temperatures this time of year are historically up to the mid-80’s, down to the upper-40’s at night with brief afternoon showers. Temperatures can drop into the mid 40’s at night but check the weather link below for more accurate and current local weather conditions. We will be there during a dark phase of the moon which should be great for viewing stars and activity in the night sky over the Dunes. You never know about the weather there so be prepared for hot, cool and/ or wet weather at any time (even in the same hour). Equipment Suggestions include bottled water, camp chairs (extra if you have them), water shoes (for Zapata Falls), towels for the showers, rain gear, walkie-talkies (channel 7- if we use them), binoculars, cameras, video cameras, jacket or warm clothing for Saturday’s sky watch and anything else I think of to put on this list later : ) Keep checking! Some cell phone services, like Verizon, is available from time to time but not guaranteed. Most services aren’t available in the area so its helpful to bring a walkie-talkie to stay in touch with the group you might come with.

WEATHER FORECAST AREA MAP Aerial Photo- Oasis Store/Showers/ Lodge/ Group Campsite #1/ Restrooms Oasis Campground aerial photo, Group Campsite #1

Please read all the information posted here to minimize any confusion and provide answers and helpful resources for most of your questions

ANY IMPORTANT UPDATES or CHANGES (whenever posted) will be posted here

Past UFO Camp Photos …Choose FS at bottom right to view Full Screen.

Please send an e-mail with the names of everyone in your party, whether you’re tent camping, in motor home, lodge or cabins and a key contact person & phone

Once again, kids and pets are NOT encouraged on this trip, but not specifically prohibited (please speak with Rick beforehand). We want to do everything practical to create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone without disruption or distraction for an adult crowd. Its important we be considerate and respectful of everyone’s experience.

Please read all the information posted here to minimize any confusion and provide answers and helpful resources for most of your questions

ANY IMPORTANT UPDATES or CHANGES (whenever posted) will be posted here.

  1. Hi Rick,
    Important Questions: I’m coming for the first time. Where is it? And how do I get there?? Maybe I missed this info above.

    Also, is it OK if I sleep in my SUV at the campsite? (Someone who went last year said he did this.) I plan to bring food in my cooler with lotsa ice. (I’m not much of a camper!)

    Comment: I don’t have a walkie talkie but I guess I’ll survive without one!


  2. Want to register for 2016 UFO trip to Great Sand Dunes. 2 people
    Nancy and Guy

    We tried making a reservations for Friday and Sat night thru Great Sand Dunes # but they said if we are group camping with you then reservation through them is unnecessary.
    thank you,
    Nancy G.

  3. any dates for the campout in 2017?

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