History, Science & Religion

“A Clearer More Comprehensive Picture”


Lachlen Paul French

Author I Theologian I Researcher I Teacher I Filmmaker

Each of these topic-segments by themselves are significant for us to address, however this presentation is an overarching understanding, that the underlying matrix of knowledge that we have, has been removed from our current teachings, and over thousands of years.

This presentation by Lachlen will touch on the significance of recent ancient archeological finds especially as they relate to the reintroduction of the most powerful lost disciplines over millennia of human history.

Lachlen Paul French attained his degrees in Science, Theology, Comparative Religion, Homiletics and Communication, at Ambassador College. After achieving the degrees he entered the Master’s Program in Communication/Fine Arts at USC. At this stage he began teaching Communication and Public Speaking at his Alma Mater.  He was then hired by The Barksdale Self- Esteem Foundation in Southern California, to deliver seminars on living and growing true self-esteem in modern life.

papyrus original bible textHis 40 years in scholarly research on the ancient teachings, created his writing over 19 years.  He is the author of five books on these topics, and now he’s conveying his research and findings spanning four decades. For us it’s finally the original message replacing current spiritual teachings in religion.

The greatest ancient cultures that have come and passed over thousands of years advanced far beyond current-day teachings in many critical ways.  We are now realizing these past secrets were very enlightened.  Not only did these ancient cultures know grand astronomic details but now our most sophisticated scientific technologies are constantly discovering the original ancient documents were so spiritually accurate, they’re far beyond our current teachings.

Power_of_the_Breath_of_Spoken_WordsLachlen will be covering a “breath secret” within our speech known thousands of years ago, which contain the secrets to our full individual potential. These are now erased from educational, religious and other institutional teachings.

The translations and re-translations of the predominant governing documents by the powers of their time have been intentionally diluted, distorted, and buried.  Royalty, or elite hierarchies, in the most powerful cultures in human history were well aware of these fundamental esoteric secrets. At this time in human evolution this most powerful information is being re-introduced to the masses.

The elite hid the most valuable transformative information.  This was done to intentionally to mislead the masses. By controlling the people’s foundational beliefs they kept the masses subordinate as a human race. This insured not losing their ruling power.

The “origin” of words we commonly each use have great healing power represent something substantially different – and more potent than what we’re told anywhere today.  This presentation will also cover the original powers within the human breath, and the linguistic modifications that have been infused to mask who and what we truly are.

Lachlen believes the return of this information is essential for the transition from the accepted human identity we all believe we are; into our self-reprogramming of our own individual DNA. This allows us as a human race to rise into a personal and collective galactic race, of higher beings.


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Paranormal Research Forum

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$5 at Door

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Jeffco Fairgrounds Event Center

15200 W. 6th Ave. Golden, CO 80401

(Southwest Corner 6th Ave & Indiana St.)


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