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Altered States

“Human Consciousness ~ Doors to Other Worlds”  

~ Presenter ~


Kimberly Braun  

Since the age of five Kimberly Braun has had a deep sense of curiosity about everything.  This pursuit for understanding only deepened with age and has defined the course of her life.  She has spent over ten years as a Carmelite nun living in a monastery.  Kimberly has a Master’s degree in theology, is an ordained minister, Reiki master and a national certified speaker writing articles and books and leading retreats.  She has presented a TEDx talk on her work and is one of the meditation faculty at Omega Institute.  Kimberly has recently moved to Colorado and provides instruction on meditative states and other topics regarding expansion of human awareness.  Her first book in a trilogy is Love Calls,Insights of a former Carmelite nun,” currently being published will be available in about 7 weeks. Kimberly’s websites http://www.kimberlybraun.com/ABOUT.aspx and www.EssenceMeditation.net   offer more background and feature some of her videos.  

As humans we exist in a sea of realities with various levels of perception and awareness.  We are led to believe very simple constructs based on a physical 3rd dimensional reality altered_states,_Paranormal_Research_Forumlimited by our contemporary incomplete perceptions of time and space as defined by conventional mainstream science.  A significant number of quantum physicists around the world are independently discovering the existence of these realities.  Viewing the universe as energy and consciousness opens access to worlds few have traveled to.  

Our economic and other societal institutions have been anchored in these over-simplified inappropriate perceptions.  In this rapidly changing world the rate of scientific and technological discoveries and beliefs are shaking the foundation of our global social structures.  The worlds of science and spirituality are now starting to be understood as a single more sophisticated matrix.  

A necessary first step to human evolution requires the acknowledgement of this grander awareness.  The entire universe is made up of a complex matrix of energies.  The subtle energies mainstream science has refused to acknowledge are now being perceived dimensions,_Paranormal_Research_Forumas much larger, more complex and dwarfing everything we have come to accept about how the universe is structured and operates.  The vacuum, void or abyss, as it has often been referred to, is actually much more and appears to be teaming with life.  This vast emptiness we’re immersed in appears to contain more realities than we can begin imagining.  Its existence does however provide logical considerations for topics such as ghosts, dreams, parallel worlds and many other supernatural or paranormal matters we have difficulty measuring or considering.  

Our individual experience and awareness as we enter this new world altering arena is another matter.  It may be easiest to first consider how we have routinely unconsciously entered into and functioned in these varying realities.  While doing certain routine tasks we often separate our conscious selves into two separate states of consciousness.  Some examples are ironing or folding laundry while deeply immersed in thought about something entirely unrelated.  

Have you ever been driving while deep in thought about something you’re really mentally focused on or emotionally vested in and find yourself at your destination?  Or worse yet find yourself at a completely different place or sometimes in the middle of nowhere Telepathy_Paranormal_Research_Forumwondering how you got there.  That’s REALLY impressive that you can do that.  Without consciously doing it you have separated yourself into two entirely separately states of awareness.  Although you have functioned as an individual physical being you have divided your awareness into separate levels of experience.  

It’s not a matter of whether you think you can do it or not, you already do it and you’ve been doing it daily since your early adolescent years.  Refining your mastery of it and recognizing the potential and power of it is another matter.  This presentation is your personal invitation to delve further into intelligent awareness of your abilities and becoming a master of your life and the amazing universe you live in.

Remote viewing, astral travel, previous lives and time travel are some of the applications to tap into by developing your personal consciousness states.



Paranormal Research Forum

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(Southwest Corner 6th Ave & Indiana St.)


~ founder ~

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303 919-6532- cell

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