Stacie Gammel

ParaFPI is a Colorado based 16 member organization that have conducted hundreds of in-depth investigations on ghost reports in Colorado. The balanced and comprehensive approach taken by ParaFPI has given them a great deal of respect from the ghost investigation community. Their three representatives will be covering procedures, protocols and methodology for investigations as well as equipment used and haunted Colorado locations including some of their most fascinating experiences..

Brannon Osborne

Brannon Osborne
Their organization has been operating since the mid 1990s and has an extensive list of investigations they’ve conducted listed on their website. They will help answer questions you might have to the best of their ability. Join us in discovering more about those subtle worlds we coexist with. We have so much to learn about the amazing and complex universe we live in. The more perspectives we view the more aware we become. Be one of the evolving humans to help lead the entire human race forward. We hope to see you there! Visit their website at

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