Mark Macy

Very strange and unexplainable activity has been occurring for some time with various electronic communication devices such as television sets, radios, Polaroid cameras and computers in different countries around the world. Intelligent communication is increasingly being transmitted through this technology which appears to be from other dimensions or realities we’re not familiar with. Most individuals tend to rationalize or dismiss any such bizarre events and go about their busy demanding routines.

Mark Macy did not ignore his first experience but had one of those “what if” moments that began years of extensive research into these matters that has turned out to be a discovery process beyond his wildest imagination. These experiences appear to be from many different sources including human spirits that have passed on trying to contact family members and friends with messages, extraterrestrial beings with important information for humans and celestial beings with timely information of profound significance. Many more people around the globe are beginning to have similar unexplainable experiences on a personal level. This emerging pattern is becoming too prevalent to ignore.

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