Dr. Bob Siblerud

Dr. Bob Siblerud has devoted decades to researching and discovering best information available on what he considers to be man’s most important topics covered in several books he has authored on spirituality, health, ancient knowledge and various paranormal matters. At the top of this list of most critical subjects is the involvement of extraterrestrial races on this planet.  Serious investigation and analysis of this matter indicates powerful changes involving extraterrestrial races are about to take place on this planet in the very near future.  As most of the large world governments are beginning to openly acknowledge the public presence of UFOs and the masses of the mainstream are being exposed to the reality of the UFO phenomena those that have had experiences or knowledge of these matters now want, if not need, to know more.

His most recent book Our Galactic Visitors: The Extraterrestrial Influence is considered to be one of the world’s best sources for comprehending the overall phenomena including answers to most basic questions and the relationship from a spiritual understanding.  Bob covers the primary ET civilizations that have influenced the evolution of humanity, including the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Arcturians, the Zetas (Grays), the Reptilians, and the Anunnaki. He also discusses the Nordics, Andromedans, Ranthians, Aethians (Praying Mantis), Lyrans, Vegans and Ashtar Command.

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