Leo Sprinkle Ph.D. “Close Encounters of the 4th Kind”

Dr Sprinkle is unquestionably one of the world’s pioneers in investigation and research of claims of human interaction with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. Beginning in 1961 he started conducting surveys about people interested in UFO reports. From 1963 through today he has conducted surveys and worked with people involved UFO sightings and onboard Extraterrestrial experiences. He has hypnotically regressed over 500 individuals that have claimed to have had extraterrestrial experiences. and has counseled with many more. He is considered to be a forerunner in research of human/ extraterrestrial interaction and has has presented at conferences on these matters in Brazil

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Ryan Wood “UFOs Documented”

Ryan Wood presents a serious look into the UFO phenomenon. For 20+ years Ryan has conducted in-depth research into the documentation of the reality of UFOs as acknowledged by official government documents and credible witnesses. Born in Maryland in 1955, Ryan S. Wood first became interested in UFOs when his father, Dr. Robert Wood, was engaged in deciphering the physics of UFOs while managing a research project on anti-gravity for McDonnell Douglas. Ryan is now regarded as a leading authority on the Top Secret classified Majestic-12 intelligence documents and the 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO Crash.Website ~ www.majiceyesonly.com

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John Schuessler “International UFO Trends” Director, MUFON International

John Schuessler has been involved in the US manned space program since 1962 and a UFO researcher since 1965. John retired from the aerospace industry, where he was involved in the engineering side of most of the US manned space programs for many decades. He holds a M.S. degree in Studies of the Future, Technology Forecasting from the University of Houston, Clear Lake. MUFON “Mutual UFO Network” is the most comprehensive UFO research network in the world. The organization’s board of consultants is comprised of more than 350 individuals primarily made up of medical doctors and scientists. MUFON website http://www.mufon.com.

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Stan Romanek “Paranormal Science Unfolding”

Stan Romanek shares some of the most unique ongoing experiences ever documented in man’s history regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. Although not understood at this time it is evident his experiences have been witnessed, photographed, videotaped, analyzed and quantified beyond any reasonable doubt. It is expected the details of his experiences will be shared with the public in the near future.

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