Stephen Weidner “Ghost Investigations”

Stephen Weidner is founder of the American Association of Paranormal Investigators based in Colorado. His organization uses a scientific approach in documenting the existence of non-physical entities. Instruments, devices and terminology used in their research is covered on their website Stephen and his crew have investigated over 200 sites in Colorado and will share their results and experiences with PRF attendees. Armed with new techniques and methods of contact, communicating, interacting and documenting experiences with beings that have moved to another dimension you will be more capable of understanding and expanding your own personal experiences.

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Bruce Moen “Communicating with Those Beyond”

Bruce Moen, engineer, international lecturer, and author of several books on the afterlife has been traveling on a journey of discovery that began in 1992 at The Monroe Institute. It was there he first learned to explore the Afterlife during Lifeline, a program developed by noted out-of-body traveler and author, Robert A. Monroe. Bruce Presents a rational measurable approach to communicating with souls that have passed beyond the human plane. His techniques provide the steps for individuals to not only communicate but offers logical tips to insure that it’s not your imagination. Website ~

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Christopher Moon “Ghost Science”

Publisher, “Haunted Times Magazine” and “World Renowned Ghost Hunter” Christopher Moon’s investigations have been featured in the Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, Westword, all of Colorado’s Front Range TV news stations, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, The Travel Channel and more. His thorough methodology and documentation sets the standard for research in this field.  

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Christopher Moon

Christopher Moon, Publisher of Haunted Times Magazine and founder of the “Ghost Hunter’s University” A scientific approach to identifying, documenting and interacting with souls that have moved beyond our physical plane.  His methods of interactive communications open new doors and potential for understanding existence in the next realm.

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Mark Macy “White Noise”

Mark Macy, author and researcher for over 20 years has conducted in-depth investigations into Electronic Voice Phenomenon “EVP” commonly known as “White Noise”. Mark and his team members worldwide have documented some of the most fascinating evidence ever presented. Seeing his presentation helps one peer through the thin veil that divides this and the next world. Innovative use of radio and television technologies are providing amazing and indisputable insights. Whatever one’s personal interpretation is is evident the next world truly exists

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