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PRF Meeting
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
The Human Component of
Our Electric Universe

James SorensenJames Sorensen
Electrical Engineer l Computer Programmer
Scientist l Researcher

James is an Electrical Engineer and Computer Programmer has always been fascinated by science. He enjoys breaking down complex scientific theories and presenting them in a simple, easy-to-understand way. His goal is to make science engaging again.



Everywhere scientists look, they observe evidence of electromagnetism. Large magnetic fields exist on both the Sun and Earth and are connected with ‘magnetic ropes’ connecting the two. Underground electric currents flow through the Earth, helping shape our planet’s geology. And a 300,000-volt difference exists between the Earth and our upper atmosphere.

What does all this electromagnetism do? Based on what I learned in school, it does nothing. Were you ever taught about these phenomena in school? Have you ever heard a weather report mention the voltage difference between Denver and Albuquerque? Could it be that electricity powers our weather?

Recent discoveries show that sunlight splits water into positive and negative charges. The negatively charged water resides inside cells, while the positively charged water is found in surrounding tissues and blood vessels. This means that every cell in your body functions like a tiny battery that light charges it.

Scientists are only beginning to understand the role of these cellular batteries. This electricity drives the Krebs cycle, the fundamental process in our mitochondria that converts food into energy. Without it, our bodies cannot heal or regenerate.

Our foundational sciences were developed before we understood much about electricity. But now, we’re rapidly learning that electricity is everywhere. This presentation will explore how electricity shapes the galaxies, powers the Sun, permeates our Earth, and runs our bodies – and how we can harness it to enhance our health and vitality.

This presentation will demonstrate some of the many ways electricity is responsible for life itself.  It will address ideas on how we can use electricity in our daily lives. It’s time we re-think the Sciences and explore the possibility that electricity is much more important than we realize.


The scientific community generally considers Kirlian Photography as a visualization of electrical discharges emitted from our body (and other living things) while the spiritual community perceives it as a spiritual life force.  Either way, Kirlian Photography demonstrates a quantifiable visualization of this fascinating life energy field.  This process is utilized to study the relationship between a person’s emotional state as demonstrated through their aura.

Both the strength and color of this aura field can be modified through the emotional states, perceptions and intensity of the individual being photographed. By analyzing the changes in the aura before and after certain stimuli or interventions, researchers gain insights into the subtle energetic aspects of human behavior and emotions.  This relatively new science in its evolutionary stages of unfolding for human understanding of

kirlian Photography of Leaf Images“Join us for yet another powerful journey
of exploration, personal growth and discovery”
Be prepared to process, discuss, and pose questions
about this topic at the end of this presentation.
For More Information Contact Rick Nelson: 303 919-6532 – Cell

“Please bring a friend and join other curious souls this Wednesday for yet another fascinating evening of exploration and discovery. Advance your soul’s evolution during this accelerated cycle of our human experience on this planet.”

~ conducting monthly presentations since 2004 ~

Forum Time & Cost

7:00- 9:15 PM $7 at Door, Open to the Public, no reservation needed.

Wheat Ridge Recreation Center 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO
(Just 2-min. south of I-70 on Kipling St. west side)

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~ Founder ~

Rick Nelson

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