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Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo?

Ella LeBain

Ella LeBain

Extra Terrestrial Experiencer l Researcher (40-years) l Author

Our evening’s PRF presentation will cover information about worlds beyond our known universe.  Over 100 million people have witnessed UFOs and have wondered: Who are they? What are their agendas? Why are they here now? These and many other questions come to mind when first realizing they exist.  Gods and angels are also life forms that Earth Humans want to know more about as well as how they fit into the grander matrix.  

The information being presented at this event is for those looking to understand the world we exist in at a much higher and more comprehensive levels.  Many in attendance at the Forum have had encounters with extraterrestrial beings and the other more evolved life forms which has left them with sooo many questions.  The information being shared at this Forum should help fill in any gaps in our belief systems and provide a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of our Cosmos and the much grander reality.

Who's Who's in the Cosmic Zoo | Ella LeBain

Ella LeBain is the author of a five-book series, “Who’s Who In The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Gods, Angels & Exoplanets” A Book Series that discusses Discerning Disclosure of Alien life and its effects on our Culture and Religions. 


Ella is originally from New York City and was educated in Israel. She received a Social Sciences Degree from the Biological Research Center of the Negev in 1979 where she was schooled in Biblical Hebrew, and then went on to receive an Astronomy Degree from the Hayden Planetarium in New York City in 1982 where she began her serious study of Cosmology. She spent two years working as a counselor and missionary in apartheid South Africa during the early 1980s. Her close encounters caused her to dig deeper into what has become a 39-year journey to get to the truth about UFOs, Aliens, ETs, gods and angels and how they all fit into the endgame of our End Times scenario.

She has been involved in the field of UFO research, investigating alien abductions, paranormal activities while studying astronomy/astrology since 1979. Ella was orphaned at the age of 6 and 15, which left her open to experience multiple supernatural close encounters with a variety of inter-dimensional beings, which shaped the writing of her boos.


For 25 years she made her living as Paralegal Researcher, which taught her to how to compile her own Research on Ancient Aliens, UFOs and the Aliens Presence on Earth. As a result Ella has collected massive amounts of information from a variety of sources, in addition to her own experiences which have been documented and discussed into the Book set, proving the point that we have never been alone.

Disclosure of extraterrestrial and alien life is the Truth is Stranger than Fiction! Ella shares Proof that Star Wars and Star Trek are fact based on reality, not fiction. In her books and Panel Discussions, people learn the Truth about the real Star Wars program that’s been covered up for 70+ years. Ella identifies and discerns the aliens, intra-terrestrials and inter-dimensional beings who share our planet, who are based “inside” the Earth and inside our Solar System. In her unique way, Ella connects the dots, to the ancient prophesies concerning ETs, Aliens, gods and Angels at the end of this age, and how the presence of recently discovered Exoplanets within the ancient Nemesis-Nibiru System intersecting within our Solar System is changing our world as we know it. Welcome to the Space Age!

Ella first knew she was a Space Enthusiast when she was 8 years old, after witnessing the Moon Landing Live on July 20, 1969. At that point, she thought she wanted to become an Astronaut, after watching the Apollo 11 Astronauts put her American Flag on the Moon. Witnessing this lunar landing put her on the path in understanding our place in the Universe, and all things Extraterrestrial and beyond.

Ella has collected massive amounts of information from a wide variety of sources, in addition to her own experiences which have been incorporated into the Five-Book set.

“Please bring a friend and join other curious souls this Wednesday for yet another fascinating evening of exploration and discovery. Advance your soul’s evolution during this accelerated cycle of our human experience on this planet.”

Ancient_Eye,_PRF,, Paranormal Research Forum, Colorado, Rick Nelson

~ conducting monthly presentations since 2004 ~

Our Next Forum is Wed. November 16, 2022

7:00- 9:15 PM $7 at Door, Open to the Public, no reservation needed.

Wheat Ridge Recreation Center 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO
(Just 2-min. south of I-70 on Kipling St. west side)

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Rick Nelson

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