PRF Wednesday, January 16, 2013

7:00- 9:15 PM

The Complex Extraterrestrial Reality

The time for introduction, understanding & acceptance is now…

Don Daniels 

Don Daniels

Author | Professional Airline Pilot
Disclosure Project Organizer 

Don Daniels has been a commercial pilot for over 40 years with 23 years as a major airline pilot.  He was one of the initial organizers with Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project in 2001 introducing hundreds of the world’s most credible witnesses coming forward to tell the US Congress and the world about their inside knowledge and experiences with the extraterrestrial reality.

His deep curiosity about these matters since a very young age compelled him to begin a journey culminating in investigation and research of the extraterrestrial phenomenon to get personal confirmation from personal experience.  His book Evolution Through Contact released in 2012 relays his incredible and unanticipated experiences.  Don’s pursuit and preparation has not only allowed him personally initiated encounters with these extraordinary craft, but more recently led to personal contact with extraterrestrial beings in totally unexpected ways. While skeptical at times, four years of interaction with one being claiming to be Arcturian has caused me to believe that this person is who she says she is.  He will be sharing on this information at the Forum tomorrow.

Understanding the UFO/Extraterrestrial phenomenon is a complex and difficult process to say the least.  Most people are on different rungs of the ladder of acceptance and understanding on perception of this obscure reality.  People in all cultures around the world are being exposed to this reality at an ever-increasing rate. Since it will be altering or replacing many of our foundational belief systems, especially in the West, many individuals have felt the need to automatically attack or mock the subjects as soon as the topic came up in a conversation.  Those days are fast being replaced with thoughtful questions, greater openness, and sense of general curiosity.

It’s the unfolding of one of the biggest paradigm shifts in modern times. This PRF presentation is a good introduction to begin framing and approaching a grand new understanding of our place in the Universe. Stand by to have your paradigm shifted.

Mainstream institutions and media have constantly avoided this topic, doing everything within their power to keep the public unaware of this phenomenon, as it represents an introduction to technology beyond current mainstream human belief.  The public knowledge of this highly advanced technology could represent the loss of hundreds of trillions of dollars currently being paid by the people of the world annually to major global corporations and their owners that also own or control the major media sources that have shaped our concept of reality.  The suppression of this information has been imposed due to the threat to these powerful economic empires.

The truth to this reality is now seeping into cultures around the world through the Internet information sharing as people find ways around the mainstream media censorship and we begin migrating from a broken economic controlled paradigm to a more comprehensive and accurate portrayal of life as it truly is.

Come with an open mind, a sense of curiosity and discernment and leave with a deeper sense of the changing paradigms we can explore as we are introduced to the galactic neighborhood. 

Join us for another amazing evening of personal growth and discovery! 


Don’t forget to bring, or send, a friend…


PRF Wednesday, January 16, 2013

7:00- 9:15 PM

$5 at Door

Jeffco Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall

15200 W. 6th Ave. Golden, CO 80401
PRF Presentation

Paranormal Research Forum

Rick Nelson

303 919-6532