Gloria Coelho
Spiritist Healer (Brazilian origin) l Dreamwork Teacher l Director of Caritas Center, Boulder, CO
Wed., June 21, 2107 / Denver, CO See more event details below…
Gloria Coelho, founder and director of The Caritas Center in Boulder, has practiced Jungian-based dreamwork for over 20 years, teaching courses in dreamwork since 1998. Also a Spiritist healer and spiritual coach, Gloria often utilizes dream interpretation to assist people in their emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing process. The Caritas Center is a Boulder, Colorado based teaching center dedicated to energy healing, lectures and workshops since 2003.
Gloria conducts five individual 6-week dream courses noted as follows:
- * What’s in a Dream: Basics of Dreamwork
- * 25 Elements Found in Every Dream
- * Dreamwork and the Hero’s Journey
- * Dreaming with the Archetypes
- * The Spiritual Content of Dreams
Our sleep state occupies about 56 hours every week. This huge percentage of our lives we’re asleep provides needed rest for the body as a passive observer of dreams or can also provide valuable insights and understanding of the significant communications being delivered, or even mastering the powerful dream component of your daily life.
Since the dawn of humanity, we have inhabited two worlds: the familiar world of conscious awareness, experienced through the five senses, and the mysterious, non-rational world of the unconscious, experienced primarily through dreams. Throughout history, there have been indigenous cultures that consider what we experience in the sleep state to represent contact with reality, whereas the so-called waking state is considered the illusory dream.
As we drift into sleep each night, letting go of the cares, chaos and preoccupations of our waking reality, we enter a quieter less cluttered realm where the conscious ego is but one character (the dreamer), relinquishing control of events and circumstances it encounters in the dream state. Dreams enable us to access the unconscious, defined by Jung as “…an extremely fluid state of affairs: everything of which I know, but of which I am not at the moment thinking; everything of which I was once conscious but have now forgotten; everything perceived by my senses, but not noted by my conscious mind;
everything which, involuntarily and without paying attention to it, I feel, think, remember, want, and do; all the future things that are taking shape in me and will sometime come to consciousness: all this is the content of the unconscious.”
In this presentation, we will examine dreams from the perspectives of science, psychology, evolution, benefits, healing, problem solving, precognition, spirit communication, personal potential and other insightful aspects. You can expect to leave the meeting with a greater understanding and awareness of yourself and what your insightful subconscious can reveal to you. Don’t forget to bring or send a friend…
If you have any specific items you would like addressed that would likely be of interest to most of the attendees (and not referenced below) please e-mail your request to Rick at to cover if time permits.
Some of the items to be presented include:
- Spirit visitations in dreams…real or not?
- Dream Recall Techniques
- Black & White vs Color Dreams
- Past life connections
- Understanding nightmares vs pleasant dreams
- Premonitions
- Déjà vu Dreams
- Astral Projection travels
- Real Life Encounters in dream state
- Sleep Paralysis
- Anxiety Provoking Dreams
- Dream Inspired Ideas
- Drugs & Dreams
- Sleepwalking
- Rapid Eye Movement
Journeys into other levels of reality within you can be extremely educational.
“Join us for yet another powerful journey of exploration, personal growth and discovery”
“The World’s Largest Monthly Gathering on Any Paranormal Matters”
Next Forum: June 21, 2017
7:00- 9:15 PM Now $7 at Door Open to the Public
Jeffco Fairgrounds Event Center 15200 W. 6th Ave. Golden, CO (SW Corner 6th Ave & Indiana St.)
PRF Founder & Host
Rick Nelson
303 919-6532
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