Indigo Children


“The Indigo Consciousness”

~ Presenter ~


Jari Mikkola

 Paranormal Investigator I Scientific & Paranormal Researcher I Author

There are many unanswered questions regarding what many refer to as the Indigo consciousness, the least of which is what exactly it is. The bigger question is, how is it possible and why doesn’t everyone have the same or similar ability. Jari Mikkola, a researcher, investigator, and editor for the Journal of Anomalous Science, the Dimension Zone, Occam’s Enigma and the indigo_consciousness_Paranormal_Research_ForumDZ Nucleus and will be delving into the science behind the brain, mind, and soul of the Indigo, as he tries to explain how they seem to be able to traverse our universe and other dimensions so effortlessly.  Jari will be traveling from his home in New Mexico to present at the Forum.

Author of a new book, “An Awakening; the Emergence of Indigo Consciousness,” (soon to be published) Jari indigo_child,_Paranormal_Research_Forumwill attempt to piece together the complexities of how the brain functions, and how it is responsible for a “new emergence to consciousness” that may be attributed to a next generation of Indigos making an appearance today.   Jari has been an international paranormal investigator and researcher for 35+ years presenting his experiences and findings in Europe and the United States.

The unique characteristics demonstrated by these exceptional individuals are far too distinct to dismiss.  They don’t easily fit into mainstream culture.  Indigos are unusually sensitive, aware, highly insightful, articulate and empathetic while excelling in science, music and the arts.  They have little desire to fit into mainstream systems and have intolerance for injustice wherever encountered.  These highly functioning individuals are frequently misdiagnosed with syndromes such as ADD, ADHD, autism and aspergers etc. and are often given Ritalin and other system altering drugs to make them function in a more “normal” manner.  Their intellectual maturity for their years typically put them decades beyond previous generations.  In so many ways conversations are more clear, indigo-child,_Paranormal_Research_Forumcomprehensive and thoughtful than the average mature adult.  The presence of the large numbers of Indigo beings and their advanced stage of awareness is not an accident.  They are here at this specific time for a reason.  This is a valuable message to give much thought and consideration to as we move forward.

Jari will, in layman’s terms, cover the science of the brain and soul along with DNA as it relates to these advanced individuals.  A unique new world is emerging and we are privileged to experience this awareness of new realities as it’s being introduced.

Is it evolution, mutation, or extraterrestrial? Join us to find out some startling and informative information that my just offer the insight you too have been seeking to better understand.

 9 Year-Old Indigo discusses the meaning of life and the universe…

“Join us for another powerful evening of personal exploration and discovery”




Paranormal Research Forum

“The World’s Largest Monthly Gathering on Any Paranormal Matters”


PRF Monthly Gathering, 3rd Wednesday every month except December

7:00- 9:15 PM

$5 at Door

Open to the Public

Jeffco Fairgrounds Event Center

15200 W. 6th Ave. Golden, CO 80401

(Southwest Corner 6th Ave & Indiana St.)


~ founder ~

Rick Nelson

303 919-6532- cell




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