A Six Week Course on
Natural Law, International Law,
New Governance & New Spiritual Economics
A minimum $5 donation is appreciated…
please contribute what you can to help pay for the cost associated producing and disseminating this valuable information
This course is designed for leaders looking to transition our failed governments and banking systems into a healthy state serving the people instead of powerful controllers of business, monetary systems and government. The course will educate individuals attending about the reality and hierarchy of world courts and banking systems. The serious violations by the United States Court Systems and other country’s governments and banks have created world chaos and economic collapse. Very powerful and clever individuals in the highest positions have remained unchallenged on their illegal conduct for a very long time while taking advantage of their knowledge of the laws to enslave the masses through indebtedness and servitude.
Understanding the structure of these International laws identifies the steps to hold our Governments, Court Systems and corrupt Banking Systems accountable. The course will also free individuals from being subjected to inappropriate and abusive legal, taxation and banking actions. At present individuals in the US and other countries are considered legal property and not sovereign individuals with the freedoms and independence we have been led to understand. Our freedoms and rights have been systematically replaced by controlling organizations illegally manipulating laws and banking structures.
The intent of this course is to help individuals understand and correct the gross violations and abusive actions taken by governments, courts, large corporations and banking actions. Instructional steps on remedies for reclaiming one’s original and God given rights will be laid out in overview and detail.
Protecting one’s assets and other shielding measures through knowledge of the various laws and court systems is an essential part of declaring one’s personal sovereignty and independence.
These teachings are presented as a leadership course intended to educate individuals prepared to take the necessary actions declaring their personal sovereignty and protection as well as taking steps to educate and assist others
This is intended to be 2-3 hour courses for six weeks. The first class will be held 7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 then Wednesday night classes January 4th , 11th (not the 18th…that’s the PRF night) 25th and February 1st and 8th, 2012. Course will be held 7:00 PM at the Arvada Jaycee Hall 5640 Yukon St. in Old Town Arvada one block west of Old Wadsworth Blvd. 2-minutes north of I-70 & Wadsworth. Space is limited so RSVP with interest as soon as possible. The cost will be by donation only (please consider a $5 minimim) to help pay for space rental expenses, website cost, printed materials and other expenses associated with these classes.
~ Presenter ~
Dr. Jayson C. Cannon
~ Coordinated by ~
Contact Rick Nelson for enrollment and further information
303 919-6532