Itasha is an Apache woman living on the Fort McDowell Reservation in Arizona. She is an Arcturian contactee, is a Sundancer and Pipe holder. She has presented at Jim Gilliland’s ECETI Ranch last year, the 2012 Portal to Ascension event and the Star Knowledge Conference 2010-2014.
Read more →Yet another photo of a small humanoid figure has just surfaced. This adds additional mystery to a shocking scientific discovery announced by Dr. Steven Greer earlier in 2013. A very compelling photo (below) of what appears to be a small being while conducting my research on the Internet.
Read more →Don Daniel’s deep curiosity about paranormal topics since a very young age compelled him to begin a journey culminating in investigation and research of the extraterrestrial phenomenon to get personal confirmation from personal experience.
Read more →Four paranormal investigators were following up on report of unusual objects seen in the sky near Hartsel, CO given to Rick Nelson of the Paranormal Research Forum
Read more →As humans, our awareness about who and what we are has been based primarily on what we have been officially taught and told by organizations and institutions. History, science and religious institutions along with government have misinterpreted, misunderstood and incorrectly documented and conveyed this most important of information to humanity. A new door is now being opened as we are being introduced to a much greater reality on a grander scale. Quantum physicists, astronomers archeologists and others closely studying earthly matters at the smallest and grandest scales are fast discovering
Read more →Closer encounters with Extraterrestrial beings are acknowledged by the thousands. Hypnotic regressions and credible witnesses are disclosing their experiences.
Read more →In recent years hundreds of individuals who have secretly worked with military organizations are openly discussing the details of their involvement with UFOs
Read more →From UFOs, Bigfoot, cattle mutilations and vortexes, to ghosts and more Colorado is riddled with supernatural and paranormal activity acounts. Numerous books, magazine and newspaper articles cover accounts recording reports of events and experiences that defy all logic and reason. For those looking to discover more in life, than is prepackaged and delivered to us in an oversimplified commercial mainstream media, Colorado is rich with history, folklore, personal experiences, reports and hard evidence documenting bizarre supernatural and paranormal activity throughout the state. The indigenous people previously occupying what is now Colorado have recorded in stone what Native American tribes also reference in their oral history.
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