Crotalo Sesamo, Damanhur Ambassador | Damanhur is a spiritual eco-village located in northern Italy established in the mid-1970s and known as the Federation of Damanhur. Damanhur, sometimes referred to as a living laboratory, is extremely unique in many ways including esoteric studies about mankind and the cosmos, development of their own currency and highly unique research laboratories.
Read more →“2012, The Galactic Event…The Process…” Dr. Bob Whitehouse will be presenting.
Read more →Behind all myth, legend and folklore there is a sound basis of reality that has kept this belief alive for hundreds and thousands of years. “Any truth will linger until the information has come to light”…~ Rick Nelson ~
Read more →Within any given moment at every scale in the universe and nature the following is taking place: Converging, Pulsating, Transmitting, Encoding, Organizing, ….
Read more →Overview of a new comprehension of the dynamic laws that make up our Universe as Nassim Haramein introduces his new paper on Black Holes. Nassim Haramein’s lifelong exploration into the geometry of space-time has resulted in an exciting comprehensive unification theory based on a revised solution to Einstein’s Field Equations.
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