Stacie Gammel “Ghosts in Your Life”

Stacie Gammel is a “sensitive” that has been “seeing dead people” since birth. At age 19 she became absorbed in learning more about this phenomenon to find out why she was a little different. For 14 years she has been conducting investigations and joined Para-FPI, a ghost investigation group, in 2002. She has recently been featured as one of the top 5 paranormal women in the nation by TAPS Paramagazine from the hit TV series “Ghost Hunters”. She has been successful in her contributions working with law enforcement agencies. Sharing her techniques to acknowledge the presence of, identity of and

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Hank Innerfeld “Dowsing”

Dowsing is the oldest skill of mankind. There are cave paintings dated 9,000 years old, discovered in both North Africa and Peru, depicting cavemen holding dowsing rods. The writings of Confucius (2500 BC) mention dowsing. Every language in the world (both modern and ancient) has at least one word for dowsing. Learn about this most ancient skill of Man and the mechanics of awakening yourself to your innate dowsing abilities. This esoteric understanding can expand your personal life skills to use in your daily life.

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Claude Swanson PhD “Inter-Dimensional Awareness”

Dr. Claude Swanson is a highly educated physicist who received his degree in physics from M.I.T., his PhD from Princeton University and post doctoral work in engineering and aeromechanical engineering from Pri3nceton and Cornell. Capable of in-depth discussions on dozens of paranormal topics Dr. Swanson discussed one of the most requested topics at the PRF ~ Parallel Universes or Multiple Dimensions. This amazing topic is certain to assist in bridging the gap between our intuitive awareness and intellectual logic providing places for ghosts and other little known matters. His practical method of presentation makes quantum physics easily understood. This information

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Jeff Danelek “Reincarnation”

Presenting an overview of his recent reprinted book “The Mystery of Reincarnation” his presentation covers credible documented cases, various religious beliefs, personal ties effecting fears and passions we experience in this lifetime. His talk helps one reconsider many things about our lives that there seems to be no rational explanation for. His outstanding structure and approach in presenting this material is a mesmerizing and thought provoking experience. Jeff has also authored “Reconsidering Atlantis” and “The Case for Ghosts” and will be our January 2008 speaker covering “Atlantis. View his website at

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Alejandro Rojas “The Future of Mankind”

As a Spiritual/ Paranormal researcher and investigator Alejandro offers an insightful perspective regarding the changes and paradigm shifts anticipated for the people of this planet and their interaction with extraterrestrial beings” As a Hispanic American with a Native American background in Colorado’s San Luis Valley, Alejandro was immersed in an environment where the paranormal was a normal part on the physical and social landscape. Dedicating his adult life to the greater understanding of spiritual matters and delving into the subtle multidimensional worlds, his research and experiences have led him to some amazing and profound discoveries that are continually being reinforced

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ParaFPI “Ghost Investigation Team”

ParaFPI is a Colorado based 16 member organization that have conducted hundreds of in-depth investigations on ghost reports in Colorado. The balanced and comprehensive approach taken by ParaFPI has given them a great deal of respect from the ghost investigation community. Their three representatives will be covering procedures, protocols and methodology for investigations as well as equipment used and haunted Colorado locations including some of their most fascinating experiences.. Brannon Osborne Their organization has been operating since the mid 1990s and has an extensive list of investigations they’ve conducted listed on their website. They will help answer questions you might

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Stan Romanek “Alien Contact”

The Stan Romanek case is the world’s most scientifically documented “UFO/ Alien/ Human” encounter. There have been over 100 individually unique experiences Stan has encountered since Jan. 2000 that remain unexplainable using conventional rationale. Being abducted is only one of the hundred. There have been hundreds of witnesses for dozens of events that defy our current understanding of reality. Witnesses, photographs, videotapes, physical evidence, police reports and scientific analysis have confirmed the validity of these experiences beyond reason. Scientists from top universities have been analyzing various aspects of this case for several years with amazing results expected to be presented

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John Major Jenkins “2012 Ancient Mayan Prophecies”

For 20 years John Major Jenkins has been traveling to Mexico and Central America to study the ancient Mayan and their knowledge of the cosmos. John has authored dozens of articles and a number of books on the Mayan Culture. This explorer, researcher, author is one of the world’s leading authorities on Mayan knowledge and understandings including the 2012 prophecies. John has been featured in many television documentaries in recent years including The Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, The Maya Calendar Congress in Mexico, The Esalen Institute, NAROPA University and many other venues both nationally and abroad. He has

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Joyce Leake “Intuitive Interspecies communications”

Inter-species communication through telepathic means is a skill all humans have to varying degrees. Developing these abilities can serve us in many ways. Joyce provide the opportunity for people to transcend the species barrier and develop better understanding and relationships with some of those we have our closest bonds with. Her reputation is well known around the world. She has spoken at expos, fairs and other venues in all 50 States plus South Africa, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Colombia, South America, England, Mexico and Japan. Website

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Mark Macy “Afterlife Connections”

Mark Macy has more than 15 years of experience experimenting and researching methods of communicating with, and documenting, interactions with non-physical beings that have passed beyond the human experience.  His technological methods include use of television and radio waves in addition to photographic methods.  The photos taken by Mark provide physical proof of the existence of life after death. Mark founded the International Network for Instrumental Trans-communication (INIT) in England in 1995, along with a dozen other researchers from eight countries.  His new book “Spirit Faces” Truth about the Afterlife is a visionary book about life after death based on

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Stephen Weidner “Ghost Investigations”

Stephen Weidner is founder of the American Association of Paranormal Investigators based in Colorado. His organization uses a scientific approach in documenting the existence of non-physical entities. Instruments, devices and terminology used in their research is covered on their website Stephen and his crew have investigated over 200 sites in Colorado and will share their results and experiences with PRF attendees. Armed with new techniques and methods of contact, communicating, interacting and documenting experiences with beings that have moved to another dimension you will be more capable of understanding and expanding your own personal experiences.

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Daniel S. Ward, PhD “Sacred Geometry”

Daniel holds a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics and Bachelor of Engineering Science from the University of Texas at Austin. Author of over 150 technical and semi-technical articles in a variety of scientific journals, magazines and conference proceedings, he has been conducting research in a wide diversity of scientific disciplines and esoteric subjects for over three decades. His presentation covered the relationship between connective physics and sacred geometry.  Viewing ancient understandings with contemporary science allows us to bridge compartmentalized worlds for a much greater comprehension of the dynamic universe we live in. His lighthearted humor and uncomplicated style makes the subject

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Wayne Kilbourn “Dream Control”

Discover the amazing powers and abilities we all have to work with our dreams.  This powerful tool is not a familiar subject to most people. Join us in learning about becoming more conscious and connected with our mind in its subconscious state. This informative presentation will help you become aware of simple methods and techniques to creatively direct your dreams and become a more conscious being.  Wayne will cover research by his colleague Bruce Gelerter of Wellness Tools. Dream Recall, Problem Solving, Modification of Unhealthy Conditioning, Stress Relief, Resolution of Health Issues, Visioning and Creativity, Relationship health, Resolving nightmares, Complete

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Joe Fex “Bigfoot”

Joe Fex is an internationally recognized authority on the Bigfoot phenomenon covering ancient and recent history as well as current research being conducted. Methods of attracting, interacting and communicating with this little known creature are a fascinating part of his presentation.  Joe shares specific details of the nature and behavior of the illusive creature plus footprint casts, hair specimens and more for inspection. A 2-hour in-depth audio interview with Joe Fex on his website.

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Ryan Wood “UFOs Documented”

Ryan Wood presents a serious look into the UFO phenomenon. For 20+ years Ryan has conducted in-depth research into the documentation of the reality of UFOs as acknowledged by official government documents and credible witnesses. Born in Maryland in 1955, Ryan S. Wood first became interested in UFOs when his father, Dr. Robert Wood, was engaged in deciphering the physics of UFOs while managing a research project on anti-gravity for McDonnell Douglas. Ryan is now regarded as a leading authority on the Top Secret classified Majestic-12 intelligence documents and the 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO Crash.Website ~

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Bruce Moen “Communicating with Those Beyond”

Bruce Moen, engineer, international lecturer, and author of several books on the afterlife has been traveling on a journey of discovery that began in 1992 at The Monroe Institute. It was there he first learned to explore the Afterlife during Lifeline, a program developed by noted out-of-body traveler and author, Robert A. Monroe. Bruce Presents a rational measurable approach to communicating with souls that have passed beyond the human plane. His techniques provide the steps for individuals to not only communicate but offers logical tips to insure that it’s not your imagination. Website ~

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Neil Slade “Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Telekinesis & Clairaudience”

Neil Slade teaches people how to easily release their brain’s pre-existing neuro-circuits for high increases in creativity, intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previously at the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory he is a musical composer, seasoned concert performer, author, and artist. Slade was assistant to Brain and Behavior Researcher T.D.A. Lingo, PhB, B.Sci. M.A., for 11 years at Colorado’s Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory. Neil has been Art Bell’s program multiple times on “Coast to Coast” radio. Website ~

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John Schuessler “International UFO Trends” Director, MUFON International

John Schuessler has been involved in the US manned space program since 1962 and a UFO researcher since 1965. John retired from the aerospace industry, where he was involved in the engineering side of most of the US manned space programs for many decades. He holds a M.S. degree in Studies of the Future, Technology Forecasting from the University of Houston, Clear Lake. MUFON “Mutual UFO Network” is the most comprehensive UFO research network in the world. The organization’s board of consultants is comprised of more than 350 individuals primarily made up of medical doctors and scientists. MUFON website

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Christopher Moon “Ghost Science”

Publisher, “Haunted Times Magazine” and “World Renowned Ghost Hunter” Christopher Moon’s investigations have been featured in the Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, Westword, all of Colorado’s Front Range TV news stations, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, The Travel Channel and more. His thorough methodology and documentation sets the standard for research in this field.  

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Simeon Hein, PH.D. “Remote Viewing”

Simeon Heinruns the non-profit “Institute for Resonance” in Boulder, CO: an organization he founded in 1997 that specializes in instructing people in the art of Resonant Viewing, the scientific study of crop circles, and other subtle-energy phenomena. Author of “Opening Minds” and “Planetary Intelligence” Dr. Hein has participated in more than 225 radio and TV interviews. He has studied remote viewing at the Farsight Institute in Atlanta in 1996 and also with government-trained viewers.

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