Crop Circles

Crop Circles have been documented as early as the discovery of a 1678 woodcut (shown below on the right). Although many of these designs have become amazingly complex they are commonly referred to as crop circles due to their original simple circular shapes.  Circles have been witnesses in every continent but have been most prolific in the United Kingdom. Scientific studies conducted have identified magnetic anomalies causing compasses to spin, foreign magnetic material and exploded plant nodules or cavities to plants inside these circles which is one indicator that set these  circles of unknown origins apart from those known to be man made.

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Colorado Mysteries

From UFOs, Bigfoot, cattle mutilations and vortexes, to ghosts and more Colorado is riddled with supernatural and paranormal activity acounts.  Numerous books, magazine and newspaper articles cover accounts recording reports of events and experiences that defy all logic and reason. For those looking to discover more in life, than is prepackaged and delivered to us in an oversimplified commercial mainstream media, Colorado is rich with history, folklore, personal experiences, reports and hard evidence documenting bizarre supernatural and paranormal activity throughout the state. The indigenous people previously occupying what is now Colorado have recorded in stone what Native American tribes also reference in their oral history.

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PRF August, 2008 “The Complex Mind” – Intuition through Hypnosis

PRF August, 2008 "The Complex Mind" - Intuition through Hypnosis

The Mind…How it works, what is it capable of, can we travel back in time in our experiences…or into a previous life? We certainly can’t control everything in the world. We can however control our perception. Our perception controls our actions and reactions. Our actions and reactions determine our outcomes and experiences, which is very powerful.

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