G. W. Hardin “Understanding the Invisible Fabric of the Universe”

This insightful presentation looks at the invisible threads and connections through which life flows at every level. These streams naturally weave the fabric of this organic universe and all life in it. From chakras, meridians and other human energy fields to portals, ley lines, vortexes, wormholes and blackholes the life blood of this magnificent world is constantly pulsating and flowing through these complex energy grids. G. W. Hardin’s website.

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Lorraine Moller & Harlan Smith “Viewing the Body’s Subtle Energy Systems”

Lorraine Moller and Harlan Smith run the Khemu Institute, based in Boulder, CO for research into biofield technologies, different energy modalities and consciousness explorations. Lorraine was a professional marathon runner for many years, winning the Boston Marathon and competing in four Olympic Games. They demonstrate a device called “Polycontrast Interference Photography” (PIP) developed in the late 1980s using microchip technology and developed a scanner that could provide a real time, moving image of the body energy field.

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Brannon Osborne, Stacie Gammel & Steve Hart ” Talking With the Dead “

Stacie Gammel, Brannon Osborne and Steve Hart of ParaFPI present a great introduction to verbal interaction with those from “the other side”. In recent years more efforts have been made to investigate, document and understand the realities associated with human spirits (ghosts) that have passed on. The technologies being used for these purposes have been laying the foundation for new scientific understanding. Although these techniques are not refined to the point of commercial marketing they are occasionally providing the necessary compelling evidence to confirm the presence of intelligent communication beyond our current conventional belief systems. ParaFPI and it’s members have

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Ken Elliott ” Experiencing the Paranormal Spectrum”

Over the years Ken has been scheduling speakers on “Coast to Coast” AM, Jeff Rense and more. Although his role is typically not in the public’s eye he has had the ability to continually attract amazing personal experiences and individuals to him. He has also had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s most credible individuals having highly unusual experiences defying science as it is defined today. Some of the individuals and the subject matter Ken has worked with include Time travel (Al Bielek), UFO/ Extraterrestrial Recovery (Clifford Stone, US Army), Angelic Visitations (Joe Crane), Extraterrestrial Disclosure (Dr.

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PRF August, 2008 “The Complex Mind” – Intuition through Hypnosis

PRF August, 2008 "The Complex Mind" - Intuition through Hypnosis

The Mind…How it works, what is it capable of, can we travel back in time in our experiences…or into a previous life? We certainly can’t control everything in the world. We can however control our perception. Our perception controls our actions and reactions. Our actions and reactions determine our outcomes and experiences, which is very powerful.

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Mike and Susan Van Atta “Astral Travel/ Remote Viewing”

Mike VanAtta is Fonder and Chairman of the Remote Viewing Club of Denver founded in 2002.. The 35 Club members hold monthly meetings to conduct their personal work and assist others with their requests. Since 1996 he has been utilizing Astral Travel/ Remote Viewing for a myriad of purposes with an emphasis on remote healing. He has been refining his skills and techniques for years developing it into the highly effective methods of instruction he teaches today. An overview including history, applications, instruction and practical demonstration of these processes will be covered in his presentation at the Forum. Shaman, prophets,

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Ingred Jefferies “Ancient Science of Cosmic Awareness”

Ingrid Jefferies is an astrologer, writer, teacher, counselor, and retreat facilitator on astrological matters. She has studied and written about, astrology and spiritual traditions as well as tarot, dream and archetype symbolism with many of her articles gaining international recognition. She has an associate’s status with the American Federation of Astrologers. She has written for Arcos Press, Nova Scotia International, The Witches Well, The Evergreen Women’s Press, The Mountain Connection, The Metaphysical Newsletter, Nostalgia Magazine, and won the Koebel Writer’s Award in 1998. Presently her classes in astrology, tarot, archetype symbolism and dream analysis are offered at her classroom in

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Gary Hardin “2012 America’s Tribal Prophecies”

New York Times Best Selling Author Gary, “G. W”. Hardin, has met with tribal elders throughout South America, Central America and Hopi elders that have shared information that has not been given to their own tribsmen. He crystallizes the collective understanding of these oral traditions representing cultures thousands of years older that our country’s and identifies the amazing correlation with sacred geometry. This information seems to coincide with the fast paced and complex changes being experienced in our world. His presentation is clearly one of the most compelling ever presented at the Forum.The Gathering of One event being held June

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John Schuessler “UFO Insights Revealed”

From 2000 through 2006 John Schuessler served as Director for MUFON International (the largest acknowledged organization in the world dedicated to scientific understanding of the UFO phenomena). He is a founding member of the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON), and recently retired from as the Internal MUFON Director. He is a member of the UFO Research Coalition Board of Directors, a member of the Science Advisory Board for the National Institute for Discovery Science and an Associate of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies. Among his dozens of acomplishments contributing to man’s further understanding he has addressed the

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Leo Sprinkle Ph.D. “Close Encounters of the 4th Kind”

Dr Sprinkle is unquestionably one of the world’s pioneers in investigation and research of claims of human interaction with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. Beginning in 1961 he started conducting surveys about people interested in UFO reports. From 1963 through today he has conducted surveys and worked with people involved UFO sightings and onboard Extraterrestrial experiences. He has hypnotically regressed over 500 individuals that have claimed to have had extraterrestrial experiences. and has counseled with many more. He is considered to be a forerunner in research of human/ extraterrestrial interaction and has has presented at conferences on these matters in Brazil

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Jeff Danelek “Mysterious Ancient Technologies and Atlantis”

Jeff Danelek, author of Reconsidering Atlantis presents scienfific discoveries of devices and instruments uncovered in geologic layers over 10,000 years before contemporary history believes. Changes in ocean levels and migration of land masses, he presents, offer rational consideration for a very advanced civilization defying our conventional belief systems. The profound implications of this factual and scientific evidence is far more significant than the existence of the island itself. Realizing we don’t have all the answers is the the first step toward human growth. Website

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Prof. Garret Moddel ” The Psychic Edges of Science “

Professor Garret Moddel has approached his strong sense of curiosity of psychic phenomena through the critical analysis one would expect from an engineering professor with a physics background. As professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. at the University of Colorado, Boulder Prof. Moddel conducts research on psi* phenomena at the PsiPhen Laboratory in conjunction with Naropa University. Last year’s and next year’s “Edges of Science” courses also conduce to research on telepathic, telekinetic, psychokinetic, precognitive and other paranormal matters. Prof. Moddel is thoroughly involved with new exotic technologies such as ultra-high speed metal-insulator devices, and zero-point energy extraction

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Stacie Gammel “Ghosts in Your Life”

Stacie Gammel is a “sensitive” that has been “seeing dead people” since birth. At age 19 she became absorbed in learning more about this phenomenon to find out why she was a little different. For 14 years she has been conducting investigations and joined Para-FPI, a ghost investigation group, in 2002. She has recently been featured as one of the top 5 paranormal women in the nation by TAPS Paramagazine from the hit TV series “Ghost Hunters”. She has been successful in her contributions working with law enforcement agencies. Sharing her techniques to acknowledge the presence of, identity of and

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Hank Innerfeld “Dowsing”

Dowsing is the oldest skill of mankind. There are cave paintings dated 9,000 years old, discovered in both North Africa and Peru, depicting cavemen holding dowsing rods. The writings of Confucius (2500 BC) mention dowsing. Every language in the world (both modern and ancient) has at least one word for dowsing. Learn about this most ancient skill of Man and the mechanics of awakening yourself to your innate dowsing abilities. This esoteric understanding can expand your personal life skills to use in your daily life.

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Claude Swanson PhD “Inter-Dimensional Awareness”

Dr. Claude Swanson is a highly educated physicist who received his degree in physics from M.I.T., his PhD from Princeton University and post doctoral work in engineering and aeromechanical engineering from Pri3nceton and Cornell. Capable of in-depth discussions on dozens of paranormal topics Dr. Swanson discussed one of the most requested topics at the PRF ~ Parallel Universes or Multiple Dimensions. This amazing topic is certain to assist in bridging the gap between our intuitive awareness and intellectual logic providing places for ghosts and other little known matters. His practical method of presentation makes quantum physics easily understood. This information

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Jeff Danelek “Reincarnation”

Presenting an overview of his recent reprinted book “The Mystery of Reincarnation” his presentation covers credible documented cases, various religious beliefs, personal ties effecting fears and passions we experience in this lifetime. His talk helps one reconsider many things about our lives that there seems to be no rational explanation for. His outstanding structure and approach in presenting this material is a mesmerizing and thought provoking experience. Jeff has also authored “Reconsidering Atlantis” and “The Case for Ghosts” and will be our January 2008 speaker covering “Atlantis. View his website at www.ourcuriousworld.com.

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Alejandro Rojas “The Future of Mankind”

As a Spiritual/ Paranormal researcher and investigator Alejandro offers an insightful perspective regarding the changes and paradigm shifts anticipated for the people of this planet and their interaction with extraterrestrial beings” As a Hispanic American with a Native American background in Colorado’s San Luis Valley, Alejandro was immersed in an environment where the paranormal was a normal part on the physical and social landscape. Dedicating his adult life to the greater understanding of spiritual matters and delving into the subtle multidimensional worlds, his research and experiences have led him to some amazing and profound discoveries that are continually being reinforced

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ParaFPI “Ghost Investigation Team”

ParaFPI is a Colorado based 16 member organization that have conducted hundreds of in-depth investigations on ghost reports in Colorado. The balanced and comprehensive approach taken by ParaFPI has given them a great deal of respect from the ghost investigation community. Their three representatives will be covering procedures, protocols and methodology for investigations as well as equipment used and haunted Colorado locations including some of their most fascinating experiences.. Brannon Osborne Their organization has been operating since the mid 1990s and has an extensive list of investigations they’ve conducted listed on their website. They will help answer questions you might

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Stan Romanek “Alien Contact”

The Stan Romanek case is the world’s most scientifically documented “UFO/ Alien/ Human” encounter. There have been over 100 individually unique experiences Stan has encountered since Jan. 2000 that remain unexplainable using conventional rationale. Being abducted is only one of the hundred. There have been hundreds of witnesses for dozens of events that defy our current understanding of reality. Witnesses, photographs, videotapes, physical evidence, police reports and scientific analysis have confirmed the validity of these experiences beyond reason. Scientists from top universities have been analyzing various aspects of this case for several years with amazing results expected to be presented

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John Major Jenkins “2012 Ancient Mayan Prophecies”

For 20 years John Major Jenkins has been traveling to Mexico and Central America to study the ancient Mayan and their knowledge of the cosmos. John has authored dozens of articles and a number of books on the Mayan Culture. This explorer, researcher, author is one of the world’s leading authorities on Mayan knowledge and understandings including the 2012 prophecies. John has been featured in many television documentaries in recent years including The Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, The Maya Calendar Congress in Mexico, The Esalen Institute, NAROPA University and many other venues both nationally and abroad. He has

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