April 20th – Stan Romanek & G.W. “Gary” Hardin – Answers

April 2011 Meeting Stan Romanek The world’s most active ongoing documented extraterrestrial/ human encounter case is sharing the most fascinating information these extraterrestrial races have now shared with him. The most important event in human known human history is about to take place and we’re at the begining of this creation. www.StanRomanek.com       G. W. Hardin New York Times Best Selling Author will be summarizing the culmination of his most powerful gift of sacred insights and wisdom gifted him by the Mayan Grand Elder, Lakota Shaman, angelic and celestial entities. This humanity altering event taking place will be

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Will Arntz “A New View of Humanity “

Will Arntz “ A New View of Humanity ” Creator, producer and co-producer of the documentary film “What the Bleep do We Know” Will Arntz is a visionary and his internationally acclaimed work has influenced many world cultural views viewing the world on new terms bridging quantum physics and spirituality. His record setting 2004 documentary film “What the Bleep Do We Know” is one of the most successful documentary films of all times and has been distributed in over 30 countries. His work provides the basis for the connection of all that exists at a cosmic cellular level seeing human

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Hank Innerfeld – Tapping Into Universal Laws

Hank Innerfeld uses ancient healing methods tapping into the core elements of who we are as individuals to resolve phobias, addictions. As a Master Dowser, author, spiritual teacher and a gifted healing facilitator with a global client-base of over 14,000, he offers an alternative solution to purge these limiting factors in life. Our cellular makeup includes the experiences and traumas of all our ancestors as well as the difficulties associated with any past lives we may have experienced. This can easily account for some of our seemingly irrational fears and appearingly unfounded addictions and phobias. The methods Hank uses taps

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Jim Frazier “ Extraterrestrial Encounters ” Presentations I & II

Jim Frazier, newspaper reporter, investigator, researcher and author was exposed to the amazing experiences of Brian Scott whom he met in 1975 changing Jim’s life path and perception of humans and our place in the cosmos. The stories Brian Scott’ shared about his encounters with extraterrestrial beings were incerdible. As a newspaper reporter Jim decided to use his analytical investigative skills to see what was really behind these outlandish claims. In short order it was apparent Brian;s statements had merrit and so began Jim’s journey monitoring Brian’s life so closely he was begining to experience these encounters along with Brian.

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Claude Swanson Ph.D. “ Scientific Proof of the Supernatural “

Dr. Claude Swanson, a physicist educated at Princeton and M.I.T., has spent his life observing subtle themes in nature and unexplainable events and human experiences that appear to be a powerful and undeniable natural force. Conducting his own experiments and research he identified a tremendous amount of amazing scientific experiments conducted throughout history that have not been given the recognition warranted. Dr. Swanson has spent 7 years gathering 1,500 the best recent and historic scientific experiments and scientific papers confirming the presence of subtle energies during the course of alternative healing sessions, psychic work, remote viewing and other activities typically

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Dr. Bob Siblerud “ Extraterrestrial Races & Civilizations”

Dr. Bob Siblerud has devoted decades to researching and discovering best information available on what he considers to be man’s most important topics covered in several books he has authored on spirituality, health, ancient knowledge and various paranormal matters. At the top of this list of most critical subjects is the involvement of extraterrestrial races on this planet.  Serious investigation and analysis of this matter indicates powerful changes involving extraterrestrial races are about to take place on this planet in the very near future.  As most of the large world governments are beginning to openly acknowledge the public presence of UFOs and

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Daniel S. Ward, Ph.D ” Sacred Geometry & Spirituality”

Geometric patterns are being recognized by leading scientists and researchers as a design of life forces that make up all living and inanimate objects in the universe at every scale.  This intricate sophisticated web appears to represent a design essence in possibly all that exists.  The significance of the mathematical ratios in these designs perhaps has powerful energies and abilities beyond our comprehension.  These structures referred to as “sacred geometry” are being found in a wide range of phenomena from atomic physical structures and our DNA to planetary orbits and cosmic events.  Our emerging scientific observations are beginning to show

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Rick Nelson – Open Forum “Death & the Afterlife”

As a paranormal investigator and researcher since 1987 Rick Nelson has been witnessing, experiencing and documenting countless supernatural and paranormal events. As a skeptic on such matters up to that point his strong sense of curosity drove him to begin looking into numerous paranormal matters from an analytical perspective using skills he acquired at an early age while in Naval Air Intelligence for discernment. As his paranormal experiences continued to grow he began more aggressive pursuit of these phenomena to see what he could witness, quantify, document and better understand. December 2004 he founded the Paranormal Research Forum in Denver,

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Dr. A.C. Ross aka Ehanamani (Walks Among) “Our Star Origins”

Dr. A.C. Ross is an elder of the Lakota Sioux Tribe and author of five books on Native American Culture.  He has served Sundance Chief at Sundance Ceremonies, a professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder and honored speaker in the United States, Europe and Japan. He is a wealth of information from an indigenous understanding.  He will address the star origins of the human race that have been placed on this planet, our purpose, our relationships and connections.  His teachings expand beyond his personal Dakota/Lakota heritage to cover multiple tribal beliefs and ceremonies.  This authoritative presentation will likely provide

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Glynda Yoder “New Ancient Crystal Discoveries”

New scientific research is now confirming the measurable presence and characteristics of these intelligent light energy fields held within crystals. It appears crystals are encrypted with an active intelligence specific to the age and energies in the geographic locations they are found.   More significantly, our individual human contact with crystals takes on an interactive dynamic not previously accepted by the scientific community.   Glynda Yoder and her business partner had stumbled upon this surprising discovery in the course replicating the healing benefits of mineral hot springs. These significant findings are based on research currently being conducted on a specific deposit of

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Phil Catalano “ Ancient Wisdom, Knowledge & Occult Sciences ”

Phil Catalano has degrees from University of Massachusetts in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, anthropology, psychology and parapsychology. Phil has been a student of Ancient Wisdom & Knowledge, & Occult Sciences for over 35 years.  He has studied at several Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools and has a great deal of practical experience and application. He covers various ancient and present day cultural applications, devices, little known tips and tricks covering more at the desire of audiences.  He also covers the theory and practice of Wizardry & Occult Magick (not magic). Topics will include history, ceremonies, alchemy, description and use of Magickal

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Claude Swanson Ph.D. “Time Travel and the Nature of Time“

Physicist and author Claude Swanson Ph.D., presents his research and understanding on the complex dynamics of how time works. This information offers a practical explanation to fill in many gaps connecting various paranormal phenomena such as prophecies, remote viewing, hypnotic regression and much more.  This insightful presentation will likely give individuals attending a powerful tool enabling them to better understand how the universe truly works and how so many paranormal phenomena can begin to be better explained. Dr. Swanson is a highly educated physicist who received his degree in physics from M.I.T., his Ph.D. from Princeton University and post doctoral

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Kenneth Johnson “2012-New Mayan Calendar Discoveries”

Kenneth Johnson has been meeting and studying directly with the senior Mayan tribal elder Don Alejandro and the tribal day keepers of the Maya calendar in Central America in recent months. He has come across new discoveries not previously revealed to the world. While academics have been debating the origins and possible scientific basis of the Mayan calendar, the descendants of the classic Maya are still alive today and still practicing the spiritual path of their Calendar as given to them by their knowledgable ancestors. Much is to be learned from them and what their culture has been aware of

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Michael Newell “Extraterrestrial Races”

This very compelling presentation is based on first hand experiences from a seasoned professional investigator. As reports of UFO and personal extraterrestrial encounters continue to increase at an astounding rate around the world new questions are beginning to slowly migrate into the mainstream forefront. Questions like who are they? why are they here? and what is their role in mankind’s future? Whatever the answers it appears we may be needing them very soon. Michael is a former Army C.I.D. (Criminal Investigation Division) Agent, Viet Nam Veteran, Denver Police Officer and advisor to international clientele on management of counter-terrorism, stalking and

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Faith Ranoli “Walk-Ins”

The universe is far more complex and sophisticated than we comprehend. The topic of “Walk-Ins” has become widely accepted among those that have had experiences or have an in-depth understanding of metaphysics and paranormal matters. This term has become a general concept many spiritual people comfortably reference knowing little about the details or mechanics associated with the phenomena. Faith and co-author Cyrah Davis have interviewed and counseled approximately 1,000 individuals remembering their origins and purpose on earth at this time including many specifics. Ranoli is past President of WE International, (WE- “Walk-In Evolution”) an organization of Walk-Ins that was actively

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Mark Macy “Inter-Dimensional Intelligence Confirmation”

Very strange and unexplainable activity has been occurring for some time with various electronic communication devices such as television sets, radios, Polaroid cameras and computers in different countries around the world. Intelligent communication is increasingly being transmitted through this technology which appears to be from other dimensions or realities we’re not familiar with. Most individuals tend to rationalize or dismiss any such bizarre events and go about their busy demanding routines. Mark Macy did not ignore his first experience but had one of those “what if” moments that began years of extensive research into these matters that has turned out

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Penney Peirce “Human Frequencies & Dreams”

Penney Peirce helps understand the interconnectedness of the dimensions of self, or reality, and how dreams are simply the way we create and materialize our life. We’ll explore subconscious and superconscious reality, the dream zones, synchronicity, déjà vu, and waking dreams and omens. Her presentation gives you tools for becoming more aware of who you are at a deeper level of awareness than you’ve ever experienced before. Penney travels widely, working throughout the US, Japan, South Africa, and Europe as an advisor to business executives, scientists, psychologists, other consultants and trainers, and those on a spiritual path. She has counseled

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Joseph Elgazar “Supernatural Healing Powers”

What appears to be an unknown bio-electric subtle energy field exciting, or energizing, the body’s cellular structure has the potential to redefine western medical beliefs. Under laboratory conditions Joseph Elgazar has defied current scientific understanding. His talents have been performed worldwide and have been featured in television documentaries, programs and networks such as ABC, The Discovery Channel, BBC, That’s Incredible, and more. Results experienced by clients of Joseph have been profound and unexplainable. His superhuman abilities are an inspiration to the potential of mankind. Joseph conducts his practice in Boulder, CO 303 938-9931.

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