BREAKING NEWS…Bizarre unexplainable activity continues for Extraterrestrial contactee Stan Romanek
Read more →Who’s Who in the Cosmic Zoo? Ella LeBain Extra Terrestrial Experiencer l Researcher (40-years) l Author Our evening’s PRF presentation will cover information about worlds beyond our known universe. Over 100 million people have witnessed UFOs and have wondered: Who are they? What are their agendas? Why are they here now? These and many other questions come to mind when first realizing they exist. Gods and angels are also life forms that Earth Humans want to know more about as well as how they fit into the grander matrix. The information being presented at this event is for those
Read more →Due to Snowstorm Next PRF is Scheduled for Wednesday, February 22ndth, 2023 PRF Presentation Our Email Announcement Will be mailed shortly Guest information & Topic Coming soon! ~Conducting Monthly Presentations Since 2004~ Our Next Forum is Wed. February 22nd 7:00- 9:15 PM $7 at Door, Open to the Public, no reservation needed. Wheat Ridge Recreation Center 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO (Just 2-min. south of I-70 on Kipling St. west side) ~ LOCATION MAP ~ ~ Founder & Host~ Rick Nelson
Read more →Join us for another evening of discovery about our ability to connect with the afterworld (Spirits).
Read more →This would be a perfect “overview” presentation for you and your friends who have been curious about factual information regarding the Extraterrestrial phenomena as it relates to humanity so don’t forget to call them or send them an e-mail.
Read more →Discover how to connect with, and communicate with, those souls that have moved to the next plane of reality.
Read more →Jonathan has done numerous radio and television interviews about his investigations, research, writings and experiences and has become a regular guest on the popular Coast-to-Coast AM Radio program. He is also a featured correspondent and editor at “Reality Sandwich”, a popular online magazine featuring well over a hundred of his articles.
Read more →Life in altered states and death states reveal a great deal about who we truly are and our real limitless potential. Join us & discover more about your potential.
Read more →It’s necessary to Step out of this daily chaos and take a realistic look at our life then recognize how to regain balance and control over these demanding changes affecting our lives in a most profound way.
Read more →For hundreds, if not, thousands of years it has been said there is no scientific proof of spiritual, supernatural and paranormal matters. Dr. Swanson’s work clearly proves that the old adage is just NOT TRUE. This grand assemblage of other’s scientific work is exactly what most people have been looking for…THE EVIDENCE!
Read more →Our ability to go back in time and even further back before we were born in this life and into a previous life experiences presents amazing questions and possibilities about our human understanding and potential.
Read more →The continuum of our soul evolution is as profound as any matter we could possibly consider.
Read more →Hale realized how much of what he thought he knew was wrong, how much he didn’t know and through the door that opened peered into a more expansive view of the universe.
Read more →Native American Insights, Connections & Understandings “Rose Red Elk” aka “Red Feather Woman” Lakota Native American Storyteller l Songwriter l Performer l Teacher Rose Red Elk’s Father is Lakota Sioux, Mother is Dakota Assiniboine and Grandmother was a Chippewa-Cree medicine woman, and Dream walker (interpreted dreams). Rose was born on the Ft. Peck Indian Reservation a remote area encompassing the town of Wolf Point in N/E Montana. She has lived on the reservation on & off throughout life with her relatives and also attended High School there. Much of her adult life was spent in Texas as you will likely recognize from her unexpected southern accent. Rose is
Read more →A coma induced voyage into other worlds & times…
Read more →Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond, takes you deep inside the Top Secret base that has been linked to government-recovered aliens and their crashed spacecraft since the 1947 Roswell incident. Think all reported UFOs are a misidentification of the planet Venus? Think that Men in Black don’t exist? Think again!!!
Read more →Polaroid photographs taken of beings from other realms, dimensions or worlds will be included in the presentation.
Read more →Dr. David Tresemer has a doctorate in psychology from Harvard University and is an author of numerous books. His accomplishments are extensive and varied as described in his biography. Lila Sophia Tresemer for the past 40 years has been learning much about how to build community, develop relationships and communication skills, in partnership with the spirits of Nature. More information is available on her biography. The two created StarHouse in the 1990’s as a spiritual and cultural learning center in their hometown of Boulder, Colorado. They are looking to further support new stewards in growing a relevant spiritual community
Read more →“This could be one of the more insightful and enlightening books you will read in your lifetime.” …Gary Schwartz, PhD
Read more →IN DEPTH RESEARCH of NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES (NDE’s) Dr. Roy Hill Psychologist I Researcher I Author Roy L. Hill obtained his bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Arizona and his doctorate degree in clinical psychology at Nova Southeastern University. He has worked as a psychologist in corrections, both as a clinician and supervisor, for over 19 years. Following several life changing experiences, Roy delved into the topic of Near Death Experiences. A book followed his immersion, Psychology and the Near Death Experience: Searching for God, published by White Crow Books. As his mission and passion, Roy looks forward to
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