Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is not a recent concept. It has existed since cultures were formed and leadership within them evolved.  Spiritual leaders of all cultures around the world led their people based on visions and prophecies.  These visions were identified by their designated spiritual person or the writings and records of these individuals.  Putting themselves to varying levels of meditative states gave them access to realities beyond the current time and space they were experiencing.  These states were accessed through various means including meditative ceremonies, deprivation, ingestion of plants and drugs and other methodologies typically known only to these spiritual leaders.  These

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PRF August, 2008 “The Complex Mind” – Intuition through Hypnosis

PRF August, 2008 "The Complex Mind" - Intuition through Hypnosis

The Mind…How it works, what is it capable of, can we travel back in time in our experiences…or into a previous life? We certainly can’t control everything in the world. We can however control our perception. Our perception controls our actions and reactions. Our actions and reactions determine our outcomes and experiences, which is very powerful.

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