Chief Ehanamani ~ "Walks Among"

A little over a year ago Dr. A. C. Ross’s heart had stopped and he found himself on the other side of the veil of life as we know it.Dr. Ross is a Native American Chief and an Elder in the Lakota Sioux Tribe, his Lakota name is Ehanamani (it means “walks among”).  While in this very different place he was met by the most powerful of Native American spirits many would refer to as God.This spirit gave him a mission in this powerful otherworldly encounter.The Spirit said it was not Ehanamani’s time to cross over because he was to return to earth and tell others of an extremely significant event that is about to happen to us and our world.

He will cover changes that are taking place in our children, the relationship with the Pleiadian and Lakota people, beings that have been working through individuals and how to prepare for this transition into a place of greater light energy.Years ago Ehanamani had spoken at the Forum however this presentation will focus on new information regarding how to prepare for this new world experience.

Dr. Ross has served as a paratrooper in the United States Army and as a professor at the University of Colorado and will briefly cover his background that has brought him to this understanding.He has served as Sundance Chief at Sundance Ceremonies, is the author of five books on Native American Culture and is an honored speaker in 48 of the United States, all except one province in Canada, 22 Countries in Europe and Japan.He speaks and has written on the real history of America based on the oral history of 33 different tribes.

Pleiades Star System- "Seven Sisters"Based on his extensive knowledge of the star origins of humans through the teachings of so many indigenous cultures he shares information from a grander perspective than others.This information appears to be supported by so much new scientific information and spiritual teachings from indigenous cultural teachings from all continents.As the galactic alignment in late December 2012 approaches Chief Ehanamani’s information appears connected with aspects of the Aztec, Maya, Hopi and Teton Sioux prophecies.

The elders of all indigenous cultures on the earth speak of a profound galactic event.In many cases hundreds of generations have been awaiting this momentous historic time for mankind.He speaks of our star origins and will share this most important of grand human event cycles about to transpire as it has been known for many tens of thousands of years.

While modern day spiritual leaders, astronomers, theoretical physicists, contemporary oracles, shock driven mainstream media and movies speak of an anticipated most profound earthly event indigenous tribes have remained steadfast in their understanding and prophecy.Their 2012 Galactic Alignmenthumble and honorable ways should be respected and not be underestimated or overshadowed by any commercially marketed perceptions.Their source has not waivered, their soft-spoken insights have always conveyed wisdom and their motivations have been respectful.

The information being imparted at this gathering could easily be the most significant ever shared with mankind.


~ Chief Ehanamani ~

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