Joey Klein



At a time when one era of human experience is coming to an end as another is being introduced creates many emotions and thoughts.

While living in a culture of universal institutional failure there is great benefit in realizing more importantly than that is an introduction to new worlds and realities unfamiliar to most. Those who have studied ancient and indigenous prophecies and are being introduced to the existence of extraterrestrial life realize we are in a fast paced process of human and planetary evolution beyond anything previously experienced.

Our Wednesday presentation focuses on healthy individual adjustments insuring the most constructive personal transition into new ways of perceiving and experiencing life. Regardless of our awareness of these massive adjustments the demands of living in a challenging and stressful cultural environment make daily decision making quite disorienting during the course of any given day. Both immediate and long-term decisions are riddled with variables including complicated benefits and consequences. The ever increasing pace of everything we experience Balance with a grander perception of guiding principles will be necessary and quite helpful directing us through this chaotic period.

Dimensional DoorwayThe practical steps and considerations being delivered at the Forum’s presentation are certain to assist in making the myriad of daily situations and demands a more natural, comfortable and fulfilling experience. Our presenter Joey Klein has presented at a United Nation’s Peace Conference and his articles have been published in 14 countries. He has studied under spiritual Masters and his teachings ground ancient traditions for the modern world, uniting mind, body, emotion and spirit. His mission is to transform individuals and serve the conscious evolution of our planet. In addition to his lectures and personal counseling he has produced more than a dozen CDs (including guided meditations) and is finalizing the publishing of his first book.

Although his website is directed more to the mainstream his personal experiences and underlying message is quite esoteric and aligned with the teachings and understandings of the PRF community. His information presented at the Forum will be directed to those with a deeper awareness and understanding of these changes and focused on reducing the frustrations, chaos and stress we’re continually and personally confronted with in this process.

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