Glynda Yoder

New scientific research is now confirming the measurable presence and characteristics of these intelligent light energy fields held within crystals. It appears crystals are encrypted with an active intelligence specific to the age and energies in the geographic locations they are found.   More significantly, our individual human contact with crystals takes on an interactive dynamic not previously accepted by the scientific community.   Glynda Yoder and her business partner had stumbled upon this surprising discovery in the course replicating the healing benefits of mineral hot springs. These significant findings are based on research currently being conducted on a specific deposit of some of the oldest known crystal deposits on the planet approximately 1.6 billion years old.  This exciting discovery appears to begin bridging the gapbetween science, myth, folklore and supernatural events in a very significant way.

Physicists and biophysicists have quantified effects these particular ancient crystal’s have carrying an extremely unique geomagnetic encrypted informational field.  This evolving discovery process is layingthe foundation for a new scientific awareness based on a more comprehensive understanding of our physical and non-physical matrix. It appears we are tapping into the intelligent universal life force matrix, or chi, that connects us to all that exists.

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