PRF Meeting Wednesday August 16, 2023 | “LIFE CHANGES …from Extraterrestrial Contact” | Cynthia Marsh

PRF Meeting - Wednesday, August 16, 2023 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm Life Changes ...from Extraterrestrial Contact Guest: Cynthia Marsh Extraterrestrial Contactee l Forensic Artist Sacred Geometry Artist l Educator The impact of a UFO encounter at the age of 15 changed the life of artist Cynthia Marsh.  Various gifts and downloads were imparted that shifted her onto the spiritual path with a strong sense of purpose and desire to serve. Some of those gifts were powerful downloads of mysterious symbols and Sacred Geometry forms. Those dreams are the source of her Sacred Geometry paintings featured in this presentation. AttendeesRead more

PRF April 20, 2022…”THE AMAZING REALITY OF REINCARNATION”… presenter~ Kristine Morton

PRF April 20, 2022..."THE AMAZING REALITY OF REINCARNATION"... presenter~ Kristine Morton

Have you ever had a powerful irrational fear of heights, deep water, sharp objects or something else and not sure why? Or have you been inexplicably fascinated with a certain era in history or constantly drawn to a piece of jewelry, clothing, furniture or other historic item? It’s possible a terrifying death experience or fondness for something in the past, or distant past, is embedded in your soul’s DNA from a previous life.

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